MadEvent/MadGraph with the Four Generation Standardmodel

The tools presented on this page are based on work done of Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg), Graham Kribs (Oregon), Tim Tait (ANL & Northwestern) and Michael Spannowsky (Karlsruhe).

The main LHC-relevant ingredients of this software package are Madevent and Bridge. Both of these codes use a set of model files in the usual Madgraph/Madevent syntax, consistently including all relevant fourth-generation masses and couplings (without FCNC). The input format for the new model parameters is inspired by the SUSY Les-Houches accord and can be found in Madevent's param_card.dat. This file serves not only as the input to Madevent and Bridge, but also to codes which compute Higgs-physics effects (using a hacked version of Hdecay) and the contributions to S and T.

Results are presented in the original study.


using madevent:

ATLAS: RoccoMandrysch/FourthGenMadEvent (last edited 2008-12-14 13:28:34 by RoccoMandrysch)