## page was copied from RoccoMandrysch/FourthGen #acl RoccoMandrysch:admin,read,write All:read == MadEvent/MadGraph with the Four Generation Standardmodel == The tools presented on this page are based on work done of [[http://www.thphys.uni-heidelberg.de/~plehn/|Tilman Plehn]] (Heidelberg), Graham Kribs (Oregon), Tim Tait (ANL & Northwestern) and [[http://www-itp.particle.uni-karlsruhe.de/~msp/Website/Michael_Spannowsky.html|Michael Spannowsky]] (Karlsruhe). The main LHC-relevant ingredients of this software package are [[http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu/|Madevent]] and [[http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=find+eprint+hep-ph/0703031|Bridge]]. Both of these codes use a set of model files in the usual Madgraph/Madevent syntax, consistently including all relevant fourth-generation masses and couplings (without FCNC). The input format for the new model parameters is inspired by the SUSY Les-Houches accord and can be found in Madevent's param_card.dat. This file serves not only as the input to Madevent and Bridge, but also to codes which compute Higgs-physics effects (using a hacked version of Hdecay) and the contributions to S and T. Results are presented in the [[http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?rawcmd=find+eprint+0706.3718|original study]]. __'''intsllation:'''__ * [[http://www.desy.de/~mandry/madevent/madevent.tar.gz|download]] * {{{ tar xzvf madevent.tar.gz }}} * in madevent: type ''''make'''' for the installation * please note: this version of Madevent/MadGraph is '''not''' compatible with the gfortran compiler __'''using madevent:'''__ * int the directory: 'madevent/Models/G4': change the model parameter in 'param_card.dat' like the mass of the 4th generation particles and install the new values of the parameters with 'make couplings' * in the directory 'madevent/BRIDGE' : run with BRIDGE with './runBRI.exe' for the calculation of the Branching Fractions and the Width of the particles * in the directory 'madevent' : create a workdirectory with a name of your choice and copy all files and directories to your workdirectory fro the 'Template' directory like 'cp -r Template workdir' * in the directory 'madevent/workdir/Cards': change the file 'run_card.dat' for yor beam properties and the number of events and change the the file 'proc_card.dat' for the process which you are want to generate * in the directory 'madevent/workdir/bin' : run './newprocess' for setup all the relevant file for the event generation and run './generate_events' for the event generation. * in the directory 'madevent/workdir/Events' you will find the Les-Houches event files.