egammaPID determination
ElIsEMMask is an Athena algorithm that will print the IsEM masks for the Athena release it is run with.
Set up Athena with your desired version and change to your TestArea, e.g.:
source cmthome/ -tag=14.5.0 cd $TestArea
The program package is in the SVN: Check it out to your TestArea:
svn co ElIsEMMask
If you use Athena release 14, do instead:
svn co ElIsEMMask
Go to the cmt directory of the package and compile:
cd ElIsEMMask/cmt cmt config source cmt make
Run the program (no output files will be produced):
athena ../share/
All information will be printed within the program's INFO output.
Results for different Athena releases
In release 15 additional isolation variables have been introduced with the Iso appendix. To distinguish those more easily, the non-isolated variables a la Medium are now additionally available as MediumNonIso (but they are the same, i.e. Medium = MediumNonIso).
release |
Loose |
Medium |
Tight |
>= 15.2.0 |
0x5d |
0x1ebf5d |
0x201ebf5d |
0x37fbf5d |
0x237fbf5d | |
0xf3 |
0x1e7ff3 |
--- |
0x37f7ff3 |
--- |
For details on the cuts refer to
Further details
// new definitions of cuts as in rel>=15.2.0 // @brief Loose electron selection const unsigned int ElectronLoose = CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON | HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON; // @brief Medium electron selection const unsigned int ElectronMedium = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON; // @brief Medium electron selection with isolation requirement const unsigned int ElectronMediumIso = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON | ISOLATION_ELECTRON; // @brief obsolete - kept not crash clients const unsigned int ElectronMediumNoIso = ElectronMedium; // @brief Tight electron selection const unsigned int ElectronTight = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKING_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON | TRT_ELECTRON ; // @brief obsolete - kept not to crash clients const unsigned int ElectronTightTRTNoIso = ElectronTight; // @brief obsolete - kept not to crash clients const unsigned int ElectronTightNoIsolation = ElectronTight; // @brief Tight electron selection with isolation requirement const unsigned int ElectronTightIso = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKING_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON | TRT_ELECTRON | ISOLATION_ELECTRON;
more detailed:
// @brief all cuts in calorimeter (except isolation) const unsigned int CALO_ELECTRON = HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON | CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON | CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON ;
and now the highest detail
// @brief cuts of hadronic leakage const unsigned int HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterEtaRange_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron; // @brief cuts in strips (with ClusterStripsDEmaxs1) const unsigned int CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterStripsEratio_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsWtot_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsFracm_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron ; //@brief cuts in middle sampling const unsigned int CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron ; // @brief Track quality cuts except b-layer for electrons const unsigned int TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON = 0x1 << TrackPixel_Electron | 0x1 << TrackSi_Electron | 0x1 << TrackA0_Electron; // @brief Track cluster matching in eta for electrons const unsigned int TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON = 0x1 << TrackMatchEta_Electron;
In the anti-electron note they require 2 or 3 of the following cuts to fail:
- Had/Em - The ratio of the hadronic calorimeter energy of the cluster to its electromagnetic energy
Chi2 - The Chi2 comparison of the CES shower profile in the r-z view with the shower profile extracted from test beam electrons
- L_shr - The lateral shower profile, measure of how well the lateral shower development matches that expected from the em shower
- CES Delta X - difference between track and CES in x direction
- CES Delta Z - difference between track and CES in z direction
These cuts are ID cuts and NOT kinematic cuts that might bias the distributions!
detailed masks for rel. 15.5.1
0x5d |
0x1ebf5d |
0x37fbf5d |
0x5 |
ClusterEtaRange_Electron |
0x1 |
ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron |
0x4 |
0xbf00 |
ClusterStripsEratio_Electron |
0x100 |
ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron |
0x200 |
ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron |
0x400 |
ClusterStripsWtot_Electron |
0x800 |
ClusterStripsFracm_Electron |
0x1000 |
ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron |
0x2000 |
ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron |
0x8000 |
0x58 |
ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron |
0x8 |
ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron |
0x10 |
ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron |
0x40 |
0xe0000 |
TrackPixel_Electron |
0x20000 |
TrackSi_Electron |
0x40000 |
TrackA0_Electron |
0x80000 |
0x100000 |
TrackMatchEta_Electron |
0x100000 |
TrackBlayer_Electron |
0x10000 |
detailed masks for rel.
0x5d |
93 |
0x1ebf5d |
2015069 |
ElectronMedium + b-layer |
0x1fbf5d |
2080605 |
0x1b7fbf5f |
461356895 |
0x5 |
ClusterEtaRange_Electron |
0x1 |
ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron |
0x4 |
0xbf00 |
ClusterStripsEratio_Electron |
0x100 |
ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron |
0x200 |
ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron |
0x400 |
ClusterStripsWtot_Electron |
0x800 |
ClusterStripsFracm_Electron |
0x1000 |
ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron |
0x2000 |
ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron |
0x8000 |
0x58 |
ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron |
0x8 |
ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron |
0x10 |
ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron |
0x40 |
0xe0000 |
TrackPixel_Electron |
0x20000 |
TrackSi_Electron |
0x40000 |
TrackA0_Electron |
0x80000 |
0x100000 |
TrackMatchEta_Electron |
0x100000 |
0xf0000 |
TrackBlayer_Electron |
0x10000 |
0x700000 |
TrackMatchEta_Electron |
0x100000 |
TrackMatchPhi_Electron |
0x200000 |
TrackMatchEoverP_Electron |
0x400000 |
0x18000000 |
TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron |
0x10000000 |
TrackA0Tight_Electron |
0x8000000 |
0x2 |
ConversionMatch_Electron |
0x2 |
0x3000000 |
TrackTRThits_Electron |
0x1000000 |
TrackTRTratio_Electron |
0x2000000 |
detailed masks for rel.
93 |
5d |
2015069 |
1ebf5d |
538885981 |
201ebf5d |
461356895 |
1b7fbf5f |
998227807 |
3b7fbf5f |
88 |
58 |
5 |
5 |
48989 |
bf5d |
917504 |
e0000 |
1048576 |
100000 |
48896 |
bf00 |
966493 |
ebf5d |
983040 |
f0000 |
7340032 |
700000 |
402653184 |
18000000 |
2 |
2 |
50331648 |
3000000 |
ClusterEtaRange_Electron |
1 |
1 |
ConversionMatch_Electron |
2 |
2 |
ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron |
4 |
4 |
ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron |
8 |
8 |
ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron |
16 |
10 |
ClusterMiddleEratio33_Electron |
32 |
20 |
ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron |
64 |
40 |
ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron | ClusterEtaRange_Electron |
5 |
5 |
ClusterStripsEratio_Electron |
256 |
100 |
ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron |
512 |
200 |
ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron |
1024 |
400 |
ClusterStripsWtot_Electron |
2048 |
800 |
ClusterStripsFracm_Electron |
4096 |
1000 |
ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron |
8192 |
2000 |
ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron |
32768 |
8000 |
TrackBlayer_Electron |
65536 |
10000 |
TrackPixel_Electron |
131072 |
20000 |
TrackSi_Electron |
262144 |
40000 |
TrackA0_Electron |
524288 |
80000 |
TrackMatchEta_Electron |
1048576 |
100000 |
TrackMatchPhi_Electron |
2097152 |
200000 |
TrackMatchEoverP_Electron |
4194304 |
400000 |
TrackTRThits_Electron |
16777216 |
1000000 |
TrackTRTratio_Electron |
33554432 |
2000000 |
TrackTRTratio90_Electron |
67108864 |
4000000 |
TrackA0Tight_Electron |
134217728 |
8000000 |
TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron |
268435456 |
10000000 |
Isolation_Electron |
536870912 |
20000000 |
ClusterIsolation_Electron |
1073741824 |
40000000 |
TrackIsolation_Electron |
-2147483648 |
80000000 |