=== egammaPID determination === ElIsEMMask is an Athena algorithm that will print the IsEM masks for the Athena release it is run with. ==== Usage ==== Set up Athena with your desired version and change to your TestArea, e.g.: {{{ source cmthome/setup.sh -tag=14.5.0 cd $TestArea }}} The program package is in the SVN: https://svnsrv.desy.de/k5viewvc/atlas/Top/clange/Athena/ElIsEMMask/. Check it out to your TestArea: {{{ svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/atlas/Top/clange/Athena/ElIsEMMask/trunk ElIsEMMask }}} If you use Athena release 14, do instead: {{{ svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/atlas/Top/clange/Athena/ElIsEMMask/tags/ElIsEMMask-14-05-00 ElIsEMMask }}} Go to the cmt directory of the package and compile: {{{ cd ElIsEMMask/cmt cmt config source setup.sh cmt make }}} Run the program (no output files will be produced): {{{ athena ../share/ElIsEMMask_jobOptions.py }}} All information will be printed within the program's INFO output. === Results for different Athena releases === In release 15 additional isolation variables have been introduced with the Iso appendix. To distinguish those more easily, the non-isolated variables a la Medium are now additionally available as MediumNonIso (but they are the same, i.e. Medium = MediumNonIso). || release || Loose || Medium || MediumIso || Tight || TightIso || || >= 15.2.0 || 0x5d || 0x1ebf5d || 0x201ebf5d || 0x37fbf5d || 0x237fbf5d || || || 0xf3 || 0x1e7ff3 || --- || 0x37f7ff3 || --- || For details on the cuts refer to http://alxr.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr/source/atlas/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaEvent/egammaEvent/egammaPIDdefs.h === Further details === {{{ // new definitions of cuts as in rel>=15.2.0 // @brief Loose electron selection const unsigned int ElectronLoose = CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON | HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON; // @brief Medium electron selection const unsigned int ElectronMedium = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON; // @brief Medium electron selection with isolation requirement const unsigned int ElectronMediumIso = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON | ISOLATION_ELECTRON; // @brief obsolete - kept not crash clients const unsigned int ElectronMediumNoIso = ElectronMedium; // @brief Tight electron selection const unsigned int ElectronTight = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKING_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON | TRT_ELECTRON ; // @brief obsolete - kept not to crash clients const unsigned int ElectronTightTRTNoIso = ElectronTight; // @brief obsolete - kept not to crash clients const unsigned int ElectronTightNoIsolation = ElectronTight; // @brief Tight electron selection with isolation requirement const unsigned int ElectronTightIso = CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKING_ELECTRON | TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON | TRT_ELECTRON | ISOLATION_ELECTRON; }}} more detailed: {{{ // @brief all cuts in calorimeter (except isolation) const unsigned int CALO_ELECTRON = HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON | CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON | CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON ; }}} and now the highest detail {{{ // @brief cuts of hadronic leakage const unsigned int HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterEtaRange_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron; // @brief cuts in strips (with ClusterStripsDEmaxs1) const unsigned int CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterStripsEratio_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsWtot_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsFracm_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron ; //@brief cuts in middle sampling const unsigned int CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON = 0x1 << ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron | 0x1 << ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron ; // @brief Track quality cuts except b-layer for electrons const unsigned int TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON = 0x1 << TrackPixel_Electron | 0x1 << TrackSi_Electron | 0x1 << TrackA0_Electron; // @brief Track cluster matching in eta for electrons const unsigned int TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON = 0x1 << TrackMatchEta_Electron; }}} In the anti-electron note they require 2 or 3 of the following cuts to fail: * Had/Em - The ratio of the hadronic calorimeter energy of the cluster to its electromagnetic energy * Chi^2 - The Chi^2 comparison of the CES shower profile in the r-z view with the shower profile extracted from test beam electrons * L_shr - The lateral shower profile, measure of how well the lateral shower development matches that expected from the em shower * CES Delta X - difference between track and CES in x direction * CES Delta Z - difference between track and CES in z direction '''These cuts are ID cuts and NOT kinematic cuts that might bias the distributions!''' === detailed masks for rel. 15.5.1 === || ElectronLoose || 0x5d || || ElectronMedium || 0x1ebf5d || || ElectronTight || 0x37fbf5d || || HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON || || 0x5 || || ||ClusterEtaRange_Electron|| 0x1|| || ||ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron|| 0x4|| || CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON || || 0xbf00 || || ||ClusterStripsEratio_Electron|| 0x100|| || ||ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron|| 0x200|| || ||ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron|| 0x400|| || ||ClusterStripsWtot_Electron|| 0x800|| || ||ClusterStripsFracm_Electron|| 0x1000|| || ||ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron|| 0x2000|| || ||ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron|| 0x8000|| || CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON || || 0x58 || || ||ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron|| 0x8|| || ||ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron|| 0x10|| || ||ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron|| 0x40|| || TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON || || 0xe0000 || || ||TrackPixel_Electron|| 0x20000|| || ||TrackSi_Electron|| 0x40000|| || ||TrackA0_Electron|| 0x80000|| || TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON || || 0x100000 || || ||TrackMatchEta_Electron|| 0x100000|| || || || || || ||TrackBlayer_Electron|| 0x10000|| === detailed masks for rel. === || ElectronLoose || 0x5d || 93 || || ElectronMedium || 0x1ebf5d || 2015069 || || ElectronMedium + b-layer|| 0x1fbf5d || 2080605 || || ElectronTight || 0x1b7fbf5f || 461356895 || || HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON || || 0x5 || || ||ClusterEtaRange_Electron|| 0x1|| || ||ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron|| 0x4|| || CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON || || 0xbf00 || || ||ClusterStripsEratio_Electron|| 0x100|| || ||ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron|| 0x200|| || ||ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron|| 0x400|| || ||ClusterStripsWtot_Electron|| 0x800|| || ||ClusterStripsFracm_Electron|| 0x1000|| || ||ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron|| 0x2000|| || ||ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron|| 0x8000|| || CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON || || 0x58 || || ||ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron|| 0x8|| || ||ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron|| 0x10|| || ||ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron|| 0x40|| || TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON || || 0xe0000 || || ||TrackPixel_Electron|| 0x20000|| || ||TrackSi_Electron|| 0x40000|| || ||TrackA0_Electron|| 0x80000|| || TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON || || 0x100000 || || ||TrackMatchEta_Electron|| 0x100000|| || TRACKING_ELECTRON || || 0xf0000|| || ||TrackBlayer_Electron|| 0x10000|| || TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON || || 0x700000|| || || TrackMatchEta_Electron || 0x100000|| || || TrackMatchPhi_Electron || 0x200000|| || || TrackMatchEoverP_Electron || 0x400000|| || TRACKMATCHTIGHT_ELECTRON || || 0x18000000|| || || TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron || 0x10000000|| || || TrackA0Tight_Electron || 0x8000000|| || CONVMATCH_ELECTRON || || 0x2|| || || ConversionMatch_Electron || 0x2|| || TRT_ELECTRON || || 0x3000000|| || || TrackTRThits_Electron || 0x1000000|| || || TrackTRTratio_Electron || 0x2000000|| === detailed masks for rel. === || || ElectronLoose || 93 || 5d|| || || ElectronMedium || 2015069 || 1ebf5d|| || || ElectronMediumIso || 538885981 || 201ebf5d|| || || ElectronTight || 461356895 || 1b7fbf5f|| || || ElectronTightIso || 998227807 || 3b7fbf5f|| || || CALOMIDDLE_ELECTRON || 88 || 58|| || || HADLEAKETA_ELECTRON || 5 || 5|| || || CALO_ELECTRON || 48989 || bf5d|| || || TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON || 917504 || e0000|| || || TRACKMATCHDETA_ELECTRON || 1048576 || 100000|| || || CALOSTRIPS_ELECTRON || 48896 || bf00|| || || CALO_ELECTRON | TRACKINGNOBLAYER_ELECTRON || 966493 || ebf5d|| || || TRACKING_ELECTRON || 983040 || f0000|| || || TRACKMATCH_ELECTRON || 7340032 || 700000|| || || TRACKMATCHTIGHT_ELECTRON || 402653184 || 18000000|| || || CONVMATCH_ELECTRON || 2 || 2|| || || TRT_ELECTRON || 50331648 || 3000000|| || || ClusterEtaRange_Electron || 1 || 1|| || || ConversionMatch_Electron || 2 || 2|| || || ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron || 4 || 4|| || || ClusterMiddleEnergy_Electron || 8 || 8|| || || ClusterMiddleEratio37_Electron || 16 || 10|| || || ClusterMiddleEratio33_Electron || 32 || 20|| || || ClusterMiddleWidth_Electron || 64 || 40|| || || ClusterHadronicLeakage_Electron | ClusterEtaRange_Electron || 5 || 5|| || || ClusterStripsEratio_Electron || 256 || 100|| || || ClusterStripsDeltaEmax2_Electron || 512 || 200|| || || ClusterStripsDeltaE_Electron || 1024 || 400|| || || ClusterStripsWtot_Electron || 2048 || 800|| || || ClusterStripsFracm_Electron || 4096 || 1000|| || || ClusterStripsWeta1c_Electron || 8192 || 2000|| || || ClusterStripsDEmaxs1_Electron || 32768 || 8000|| || || TrackBlayer_Electron || 65536 || 10000|| || || TrackPixel_Electron || 131072 || 20000|| || || TrackSi_Electron || 262144 || 40000|| || || TrackA0_Electron || 524288 || 80000|| || || TrackMatchEta_Electron || 1048576 || 100000|| || || TrackMatchPhi_Electron || 2097152 || 200000|| || || TrackMatchEoverP_Electron || 4194304 || 400000|| || || TrackTRThits_Electron || 16777216 || 1000000|| || || TrackTRTratio_Electron || 33554432 || 2000000|| || || TrackTRTratio90_Electron || 67108864 || 4000000|| || || TrackA0Tight_Electron || 134217728 || 8000000|| || || TrackMatchEtaTight_Electron || 268435456 || 10000000|| || || Isolation_Electron || 536870912 || 20000000|| || || ClusterIsolation_Electron || 1073741824 || 40000000|| || || TrackIsolation_Electron || -2147483648 || 80000000||