Repository Browsing With SmartSVN

The web viewer WebSVN for the MarlinTPC SVN server has been disabled end of last year due to hardware changes and some security considerations. This tool was very convenient for getting an overview of the repository and the work of other developers of MarlinTPC. Luckily there are quite convenient workarounds repository browsers such as:

Opening the MarlinTPC Repository

You will need to start the repository browser component of the respective program. You will be asked to select the repository to browse. To be sure, select the read-only acces:

Working with the Repository Browser

The browser window should look somewhat familiar, if you used WebSVN or similar SVN tools, before. You will see the tree structure of branches, tags and trunk. You can explore the subdirectories and open files in external editor (temporary copies).

For each item (file or directory) you can display "Log" and "Graph". They will open new windows with two interesting options, Changes and Annotate.

"Changes" opens a diff window. You can select only one revision in the Log window and compare with its preceeding version or select two revisions to compare.

"Annotate" visualizes the svn blame command. You get a view of the file and the developer, who last made a change for each individual line.

Please refrain from using changing commands, like Remove, Copy, Move, Create Dir., etc, as the repository browsers often use their own implementations of SVN, which might conflict.


SmartSVN has many more possibilities, however, to keep the MarlinTPC repository consistent, we should stick to the command line work flow for actual changes, see HowToDevelopMarlinTPC.

MarlinTPC: SmartSVN (last edited 2020-05-15 14:18:25 by OliverSchaefer)