If you want to work with MarlinTPC, but do not want to contribute (please think about this), you can simply install it with ilcinstall or download it from the subversion server at DESY (with anonymous, read-only) access.
subversion software repository
Please use the following subversion command to check out the latest HEAD version (which is named "trunk" in subversion):
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlintpc/trunk
Be aware that you need further software to use MarlinTPC, please refer to the software installation guide.
You can also download one of the tagged versions, please refer to the "latest version". If you use the tagged version, it will never change and you can use svn export instead of svn checkout, by which you won't obtain all the svn overhead. For example you can use:
svn export https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlintpc/tags/v00-05-02/
Activate the appropriate line in your config file, with versions between v01-06 and v01-09 this reads like:
ilcsoft.install( MarlinTPC( "HEAD" ))