Getting Started at the NAF

This page collects some instructions and examples, how to get started on the NAF.

Login into NAF

For login into the NAF you need a valid Grid proxy and hence a recent Grid User Interface (UI). For more details on the login procedure and UI requirements see There are different options to get a UI:

Create a Grid proxy with the -rfc option (proxy version 4).

voms-proxy-init -voms atlas -rfc

The created Grid proxy is of version 4, which is not recognized by all Grid applications. For example the globus job manager has problems with it.

Log into the ATLAS NAF login server:

gsissh -Y

You will be automatically forwarded to one of the ATLAS NAF work group servers. A load balancing is applied. The option -Y enables trusted X11 forwarding. Otherwise no new windows will be exported to your local machine.

For more details see

Setup Grid

Although you came into the NAF with a valid Grid proxy, it is lost after login. Hence you need to be able to create a Grid proxy at the NAF.

First, copy your Grid certificate from your local or institutes machine to the NAF:

If you are working from a local session, you can copy using gsiscp from your local machine to the NAF (do this only for small files):

gsiscp -pr $HOME/.globus

or if you are working from a NAF session, you can copy using normal scp from your local machine to the NAF:

scp -pr YOURHOSTNAME:.globus $HOME

Depending on the firewall setting of your local machine, you might prefer the first, but this is not suitable for large data volumes. Please also note, how you copy files between the NAF and an outside machine.

Now, set up the Grid UI and check out your Grid certificate:

ini gliteatlas

This sources the Grid UI and set some ATLAS specific variables, e. g. LFC.

voms-proxy-init -voms atlas:/atlas/de -valid 96:00

voms-proxy-info -all

Look at the different attributes and create a Grid proxy with plain ATLAS role.

Now that you have a valid proxy, we will set up the autoproxy service. You have to create a valid proxy once a month, which will be uploaded to a myproxy server. The proxy on the myproxy server will be used to automatically extend your current proxy. Your proxy will have a life time of at least 72 hours and has the /atlas/de VOMS group as active group.

Setup the autoproxy service and create a Grid proxy on the myproxy server:

ini autoproxy

Turn on the autoproxy service by creating an empty file:

touch .globus/.autoproxy

Now log off and in again and test, if you have a valid proxy (well, this test makes much more sense after at least 24 hours):

ini gliteatlas
ini autoproxy
voms-proxy-info --all

Please note, that you also set up the Grid UI. If you only need the proxy but not the Grid UI (for ganga or athena), you can leave out ini gliteatlas. So, everytime you start a new session and need a valid proxy, you get it via ini autoproxy.

Finally, you will get a warning message at login time, when your proxy on the myproxy server is due to expired. To renew use the following two commands:

ini autoproxy

For more details see:


Like CERN your home directory is in the AFS filesystem and hence you can see it from every computer in the world with an AFS client. Well, with some restrictions. The root to the home directories is /afs/ followed by the first letter of your username and the username, e. g. /afs/ Every user has a directory called public in the home directory, which is world readable. Try

ls /afs/

from any AFS client, e. g. lxplus at CERN.

If you want to access some other directories within your home directory, you can either change the AFS ACLs (be careful with them) or get a NAF AFS token. Because a Grid proxy is used for authentication at the NAF a Grid proxy is also needed to get a NAF AFS token. Remember, you do not have a password for your NAF account. If you have AFS access at your local computer, you can create a NAF AFS token with the following script:


Please, try it out. Go to your computer at your institute, get a Grid proxy (version 4), get the NAF AFS token and list the content of your home directroy at the NAF.

For more details see:

ATLAS Software

The ATLAS software is setup via the AtlasSetup approach. We propose to use the directory $HOME/atlas/testarea for your testareas. The following script will create these directories and make them group readable.

ini atlas --create

The ATLAS software environment is setup in the following way:

asetup 17.2.2 --multi --testarea ~/atlas/testarea 

This will use $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2 as your testarea. asetup will also warn you if the testarea does not exist. Please create the missing directory:

mkdir $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2

Alternatively, you can switch first to your testarea and then setup the ATLAS software environment, as default thec current directory is used as testarea:

mkdir $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
asetup 17.2.2,here

Read the AtlasSetup TWiki for more options and how to store defaults in the $HOME/.asetup file.

Check, if your setup is working: AthExHelloWorld/

As the software is distributed via CVMFS, all releases, production and analysis caches (32 and 64 bit) are available.

The script dumps some ATLAS related variables, which are useful for debugging the ATLAS environment (use ini atlas at the NAF):

ini atlas

If you want to check out a package from CERN, you need a Kerberos ticket for CERN:

kinit usernameonlxplus@CERN.CH

If your CERN username is different from your NAF username, tell ssh about it. An example is on the ATLAS Software wiki page.

In order to test it you should check out the UserAnalysis package:

cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
asetup 17.2.2,here UserAnalysis will retrieve the correct tag for the release setup and check it out. It can also check out dedicated tags or the head of a package. Use the -h option for more instructions. Alternatively, you can use cmt to check out packages. The corresponding line is

cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-15-06 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

If you want to know the official tag of a package for a certain release, use the get_tag command (either on lxplus or use ini atlas at the NAF). This script will query AMI and needs authentication to the AMI server. If you have set up a release, you can use cmt show versions  PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis to get the tag for that release.

Just compile the package for later use:

cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
cmt make

Sometimes you want to use an production or analysis cache, which is used for official production. You can set them up in the following way, e. g. for AtlasProduction

asetup AtlasProduction,,here

Official ntuple production is usually done with an AtlasPhysics analysis cache, which has five digits. You can set them up in the following way, e. g. for AtlasPhysics

asetup AtlasPhysics,,here

For more details see:

Batch System

SGE is used for the local batch system. qstat will list your jobs (submitted and running). Jobs are submitted with qsub. Here is a very simple example, which needs to be pasted into the terminal as two parts:


qsub -l h_cpu=0:10:00


echo "Hello World!"

End the input with ^D (hold the control key and press D). Output (separated into stdout (STDIN.oID) and stderr (STDIN.eID)) is written to your home directory. The script is execute into your home directory. This can be changed with arguments to qsub. See the man pages for more details.

Get the example script from Batch System and run the athena HelloWorld example on the batch. By default qsub will not export any variables from your current shell into th batch job. Hence the ATLAS software environment must be set up again. Check also the special comments (#$) in the script in order to pass arguments to the qsub command at submission time. Check, what resources are used for this job.

Note, that specifying resources, e. g. CPU time and memory consumption, is very important and has an impact on the time between submitting and running your job.

For more details see:


The latest version of the DDM clients tools, called dq2 are installed at the NAF. The setup is done via the ini command:

ini dq2

The most used commands are dq2-ls which list a dataset and dq2-get which downloads a dataset to the local disc.

Try to look for your datasets:

dq2-ls user.efeld.*/

or for egamma stream data from the summer 2011 reprocessing:

dq2-ls data12_8TeV.*physics_Egamma.PhysCont.AOD*t0pro13_v01*/

For more details see:


If you have done the dq2 section, start from a fresh login shell.

Recent versions of Ganga are installed and can be setup using the ini script. The most recent is setup with ganga as argument:

ini ganga

For older version check the list of available modules within ini:


This will also set up the GANGA_CONFIG_PATH for ATLAS.

If you run ganga the first time at the NAF, create a config file with

ganga -g

For more details about the configuration see the Ganga section of Grid Tools.

Here are the instructions to run athena HelloWorld on the NAF batch system and on the DESY-HH Grid site using ganga:

cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
asetup 17.2.2,here
mkdir run
cd run
get_files -jo AthExHelloWorld/

ini ganga
ganga athena --sge
ganga athena --nocompile --nobuild --panda --site ANALY_DESY-HH

The first three lines can also be written within Ganga:

j = Job()'HelloWorld_SGE'
j.application.atlas_release = '17.2.2'

j = Job()'HelloWorld_Panda'
j.application.atlas_dbrelease = ''
j.outputdata = DQ2OutputDataset()
j.backend=Panda() = 'ANALY_DESY-HH'

Start ganga or ganga --gui to monitor your jobs status.

Athena with Ganga

Most of the time you want to run real life jobs using Ganga and this involves event processing using Athena. The following to examples produce ntuples using the analysis skeleton from the UserAnalysis packages. The first is run on SGE and the second and third on the Grid, using the LCG and Panda backend, respectively. The setup for both jobs is the same:

cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
asetup 17.2.2,here
cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
mkdir run
cd run
get_files -jo
ln -s /afs/ AOD.pool.root

ini ganga

Please note, that you need a working setup and job options. Ganga will run the job options to figure out some important run parameters, e.g. the output name of your ntuples. Therefore it is important to have a small AOD file around. This example uses a reference AOD from release 17.0.3 stored at CERN.


j = Job()
j.outputdata.outputdata=['AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root' ]
j.outputdata.location = '$HOME/atlas/'

Panda system:

j = Job()

You can monitor your jobs at ATLAS: Panda Monitor

For more details see:


The Panda analysis client tools are installed at the NAF. You get the latest version via the ini command:

ini pandaclient

This will give you pathena, prun and pbook

As in the case of ganga, you do not have to setup the Grid UI. Also, the client tools will check for a valid proxy.

You can simply run the HelloWorld program like:

cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/17.2.2
asetup 17.2.2,here
cd run
get_files -jo AthExHelloWorld/

ini pandaclient
pathena --noBuild --site ANALY_DESY-HH  --outDS=user.efeld.test_20120912 --extOutFile=dummy

The --extOutFile and --outDS options are needed as pathena requires output to be written into a dataset.

For more details see:

ATLAS: WorkBook/NAF/GettingStarted (last edited 2012-09-12 14:09:57 by WolfgangEhrenfeld)