ATLAS-D Tutorial 2010: Luminosity Calculation Tutorial

Luminosity Calculation

In order to calculate an integrated luminosity, one needs the following ingredients:

iLumiCalc.exe is the command to calulcate the total integrated luminosity, the weighted prescale factor and luminosity live fraction.

ATLAS Luminosity Calculator


The command 'iLumiCalc' can be used to calculate the luminosity for a given range of run numbers lumi blocks and a trigger. It will provide much more detailed information than the online ATLAS Luminosity Calculator.

For quite some time 'iLumiCalc' was only working at CERN as the conditions database was directly queried. Since release 16.0.0 'iLumiCalc' also works out of the box for kit installations. This includes the NAF.

Just for this exercise you will work with release 16.0.0. Please, start from a new shell:

mkdir atlas/testarea/16.0.0
cd atlas/testarea/16.0.0
asetup 16.0.0
mkdir run.lumi
cd run.lumi

Get your favourite GRL or use the default one:

cp /afs/ .

Check, what options iLumiCalc has:

iLumiCalc.exe -h

Now, run iLumiCalc.exe:

iLumiCalc.exe --lumitag=OflLumi-7TeV-002 --livetrigger=L1_MBTS_2 --trigger=EF_e10_loose --xml=data10_7TeV.periodE.160387-161948_LBSUMM_DetStatus-v03-pass1-analysis-2010E_data_eg_standard_7TeV.xml

The total integrated luminosity should be 1.034 pb-1.

Rerun iLumiCalc.exe with the options --plots and inspect the created ROOT file in root.

ATLAS: WorkBook/NAF/ADT10LumiCalc (last edited 2010-09-21 13:27:40 by WolfgangEhrenfeld)