MC@NLO: Next-to-Leading-Order Monte Carlo Generator



  1. Create installation directory and untar v3.3 archive into installation directory
  2. Untar addendum for v3.31 on top of v3.3
  3. Dependence on other packages: only PDFs (internal or PDFLIB or LHAPDF), LHAPDF installation described below
  4. Compilation
    • Must be under SL4: MC@NLO default compiler is g77 (from gcc3.4), not gfortran (from gcc4.x).

    • Compile LHAPDF first
      1. The LHAPDF default compiler is gfortran: setenv FC g77 to switch to g77

      2. Configure needs absolute target path (this will be hard-coded in the library to retrieve the PDF set files): configure --prefix <absolute path>

      3. Compile: make; make install

    • Final compilation is done with the script bash MCatNLO.inputs, see below

    • Problems with the shipped Makefile: no proper linking to LHAPDF

      • Added full path to link target by hand
      • LHAPDF needs libmathlib.a from the CERN library

      • Result: see /afs/

Running MC@NLO

Choice of Parameters

ATLAS: UlrichHusemann/MCProduction/McAtNlo (last edited 2008-07-11 14:02:10 by UlrichHusemann)