ATLAS Silicon Strip Detector Upgrade

Around 2020-2024 major parts of the ATLAS Inner Detector (i.e. silicon pixel and strip detectors, and transition radiation tracker) will have to be replaced. According to current planning the new Inner Detector will be an all-silicon tracker. The DESY ATLAS group is currently focusing its investigations in the field of production & testing of sensor modules for the strip detector upgrade, the characterization of silicon strip sensors, new powering schemes and the upgrade of the strip detector end-caps.

Topics for Bachelor and Master theses

See the projects & topics sub page for more details on what projects is currently worked on and for a regularly updated list of possible work topics for Bachelor & Master theses.


Malik Aliev

Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann

Ingo Bloch

Conrad Friedrich

Sebastian Gerhardt

Ulrich Husemann

Heiko Lacker

Tai-Hua Lin

Kristin Lohwasser

Laura Rehnisch

Dennis Sperlich

Luise Poley

Hongbo Zhu

ATLAS: Projects/SCT/SCTUpgrade (last edited 2014-03-30 16:01:36 by ElinBergeaasKuutmann)