Page documenting the settings for the screens outside the Zeuthen ATLAS Control Room.

Starting all programs

The computer that has the screens connected is pepe136.


Start firefox with the ACRDownload profile. Make sure it automatically starts iMacros and log on to CERN is automatically performed (this is the case when the ATLAS status pages appear).

Slideshow copy

Fire up a terminal

cd OutsideScreens/ACRZeuthen

Image viewers

gthumb slideshow/atlas/slideshow.png
kview slideshow/lhc/slideshow.png

Move gthumb to desired window and press F11.

Move kview to desired window and press Ctrl+Shift+F

ATLAS: Projects/RemoteMonitoringRoom/OutsideScreens (last edited 2011-09-01 15:44:13 by ClemensLange)