Attachment ''


   1 #
   2 # job submission defaults for panda
   3 # Configure the following parameters for submission
   4 # created by : Akira Shibata
   5 #
   7 # User name, change to yours (use 'top' if you are doing official production)
   8 sub_username="ClemensLange"
  10 # If you are doing official production, switch it on
  11 sub_official=False
  13 # Prefix for the DPD, to keep track of the release used
  14 #sub_version="TopElectroweakD3PD_14506NAF_InitialPartons"
  15 sub_version="TopElectroweakD3PD_14506NAF_InitialPartons_JetAlg_Production"
  17 # Just a suffix number to keep track of jobs
  18 sub_tryNo="20090722"
  20 # In case you are re-using libDS, specify here
  21 sub_libDS=""
  23 # Use the following if you want to enable cloud submission. In that case you should not specify site below.
  24 # Right now cloud is the recommended option but I personally know setting sites works better ;)
  25 sub_cloud='US' # or 'CA' or 'EU' or such
  27 # If you are specifying site/queue directly, use the following. 
  28 # For other queues and current status, look at
  29 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_FZK"]
  30 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_BNL_ATLAS_1"]
  31 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_MWT2_SHORT"]
  32 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_AGLT2"] #Test?
  33 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_GRIF-LPNHE"]
  34 #sub_site_T1_OSG=["ANALY_LYON"]
  35 #sub_site=sub_site_T1_OSG
  37 # By default we will use the TopLight jobOption
  38 #sub_jobOp="TopPhysDPDMaker/"
  39 sub_jobOp="TopPhysDPDMaker/"
  41 # Specify the dataset here. Use to define the datasets and substitute here
  42 #sub_InDataSets_rel14=""
  43 sub_InDataSets=sub_InDataSets_rel14
  45 # If your job is long use this but normal jobs should be OK.
  46 sub_long=False
  48 # Number of files per sub job. 10 is normally good
  49 sub_nFiles=1
  51 # If you want to limit the total number of files to process for some reason, use this
  52 #sub_nAllFiles=1
  54 # Any other pathena option must go here.
  55 sub_other= " "
  57 # This next line indicate that the submission configuration ends here. Very important to keep.
  58 #End
  60 # The following option will be passed to the jobOption you are running. The following will work with MC08 data.
  61 # See the jobOption for details of each option
  62 Analysis=["Trigger", "FullReco", "Truth", "Atlfast", "TruthAll"]
  63 #Analysis=["Trigger", "FullReco", "Truth", "Atlfast"]
  64 #redoBTagging = [ 'Cone4H1Topo' ]
  65 #redoBTagging = [ 'Cone4H1Topo', 'Cone7H1Tower', 'Kt6LCTopo' ]
  66 #newJets = ['Kt6LCTopo']
  67 redoBTagging = [ 'Cone4H1Topo', 'Cone4LCTopo', 'Cone7H1Tower', 'Cone7LCTopo', 'Kt4LCTopo', 'Kt6LCTopo', 'AntiKt4LCTopo', 'AntiKt6LCTopo', 'SISCone4LCTopo', 'SISCone7LCTopo']
  68 newJets = [ 'Kt4LCTopo', 'Cone4LCTopo', 'Cone7LCTopo', 'Kt6LCTopo', 'AntiKt4LCTopo', 'AntiKt6LCTopo', 'SISCone4LCTopo', 'SISCone7LCTopo']
  69 jetAlg=['Cone4H1Tower', 'Cone4H1Topo', 'Cone7H1Tower']
  70 SaveTrees=["FullReco", "FastSim", "Trigger", "Truth", "TruthAll"]
  71 #SaveTrees=["FullReco", "FastSim", "Trigger", "Truth"]
  73 doScreenDump = False
  74 doTrigDump = False
  75 doStream=False
  76 doSlimming = False
  77 legacyTrigger = True
  78 doTruthAll = True
  79 UseAllTruth = True
  80 #doPrintMC=True
  81 #doDumpMC=True
  82 OutputLevel=6
  84 #if not vars().has_key("outputFileName"):
  85 #   include("aux_options")
  88 from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags
  89 jetFlags.inputFileType = "AOD"
  90 from JetRec.JetGetters import *
  91 make_StandardJetGetter('Kt',0.4,'LCTopo')
  92 make_StandardJetGetter('Kt',0.6,'LCTopo')
  93 make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.4,'LCTopo')
  94 make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.6,'LCTopo')
  95 make_StandardJetGetter('SISCone',0.4,'LCTopo')
  96 make_StandardJetGetter('SISCone',0.7,'LCTopo')
  97 make_StandardJetGetter('Cone',0.4,'LCTopo')
  98 make_StandardJetGetter('Cone',0.7,'LCTopo')
  99 include("") ## ADD THIS LINE for SISCone
 100 include( "TopPhysTools/" )
 101 include("TopPhysDPDMaker/")
 103 # fix for btagging
 104 #theJob.FullRecoLooper.Inserter.Inserter_Cone4H1TowerJetsInserter.ContainerKey = 'Cone4H1TowerJetsAOD'
 105 #DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-CSC-02-03-00'

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