=== Setting up TopPhysDPD Maker === * Get appropriate requirements file * setup athena * Get Kerberos ticket @ CERN Following commands for package check out: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/TopPhysDPDMakerGetStarted_v14 {{{ cmt co -r TopPhysDPDMaker-14-05-02 PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopPhysDPDMaker cmt co -r TopPhysTools-15-00-03 PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopPhysTools }}} DPD Making: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/TopPhysD3PDMaker === adjusting submission script === The TopPhysDPDSubmission submission script has to be adjusted to work in the year 2009 by changing the user08 to user09. Furthermore, the trailing slash in the dataset names has to be accounted for, i.e. removed in the output. The adjusted script is attached: [[attachment:TopPhysDPDSubmission]] === running ElectroweakD3PD === you have to edit two files to get the ElectroweakD3PD_topOptions.py running: in TopPhys/TopPhysTools/python/ObjectLabel_module.py change {{{ self.FSLooper += ObjectLabeller("TopObjectLabel") }}} to {{{ self.FSLooper += EVUDObjLabeller("TopObjectLabel") }}} and in TopPhys/TopPhysTools/python/ObjectSelection_module.py comment out {{{ # "useTRT":False, }}} in {{{ self.ConfigureTool("ElectronSelection", self.CommonParameters, }}} Furthermore, in PhysicsAnalysis/EventViewBuilder/EventViewUserData comment line {{{ AddTool(m_PIDInfo,"EVUDTauJetPID" ); }}} in src/EVUDTauJetAll.cxx as sort of temporary solution. === b-tagging and jet algorithms === There are only calibration files available for the 'standard' jet algorithms (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/BTaggingFAQ#Calibration_issues_with_non_stan). To use alternative calibration files (from standard jet algos) for non-standard jet algorithms, set these in PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopPhysTools/share/BTaggging_jobOptions.py. An example of these jobOptions adjusted for several algorithms available in the AODs is attached: [[attachment:BTagging_jobOptions.py]]. The submission jobOptions would then require lines such as the following: {{{ redoBTagging = [ 'Cone4H1Topo', 'Cone4LCTopo', 'Cone7H1Tower', 'Cone7LCTopo', 'Kt4LCTopo', 'Kt6LCTopo', 'AntiKt4LCTopo', 'AntiKt6LCTopo', 'SISCone4LCTopo', 'SISCone7LCTopo'] newJets = [ 'Kt4LCTopo', 'Cone4LCTopo', 'Cone7LCTopo', 'Kt6LCTopo', 'AntiKt4LCTopo', 'AntiKt6LCTopo', 'SISCone4LCTopo', 'SISCone7LCTopo'] ... from JetRec.JetRecFlags import jetFlags jetFlags.inputFileType = "AOD" from JetRec.JetGetters import * make_StandardJetGetter('Kt',0.4,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('Kt',0.6,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.4,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('AntiKt',0.6,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('SISCone',0.4,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('SISCone',0.7,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('Cone',0.4,'LCTopo') make_StandardJetGetter('Cone',0.7,'LCTopo') include( "TopPhysTools/BTagging_jobOptions.py" ) }}} Mind that if you want to use SISCone you have to add a line to your submission jobOptions: {{{ include("siscone_bugfix.py") ## ADD THIS LINE for SISCone }}} This file can be obtained via get_files or use the attached one: [[attachment:siscone_bugfix.py]] An example of these jobOptions is attached: [[attachment:TopElectroweakD3PD_Jets_subOptions.py]] ==== more info on b-tagging ==== https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/BTaggingTutorialPrague#3_Re_Running_b_tagging_on_an_ESD https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/BTaggingCOOL#FAQ_How_to_use_my_own_calibratio From AODs one can only create new jet algorithms with local calibration (LC). More info on jet algorithms and studies: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/JetConfigurableJobO https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki//bin/view/AtlasProtected/TopJetAlgorithmStudies "Kt4 and AntiKt4 together with Cone4 seem to be the most stable algorithms against pileup." === luminosity information === The possibility of obtaining luminosity information while running over the AODs is foreseen in the DPDMaker. However, this does not work. The work-around is to use the attached LumiBlockDump_jobOptions.py ([[attachment:LumiBlockDump_jobOptions.py]]) and replace with these the ones in PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopPhysTools/share. This will write out a second root file with the ending *.lumi.root. There are luminosity information in there, but currently I haven't figured out how to use them (e.g. with SFrame). The manual way of obtaining luminosity information from the database is described on this page: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CoolLumiCalc