This is a small summary of the DCS database access tools I found.

Official documents


Existing tools

PVSS2COOL Monitoring

Tool that checks if PVSS2COOL writing worked and monitoring the data, requires Athena to be set up:

Note that this tool ( just uses AtlCoolCopy.exe to write the database information into a root file.

Comment: Tool accomplishes the COOL access part of what we probably want.

General PVSS2COOL business:


Tool by Sascha Mehlhase, can dump DCS content using root classes. Standalone C++ tool.

Comment: Code is pretty neat and probably easily extendable. Might have to move from root sql queries to Oracle API.

PVSS Data Viewer (PDV)

Java tool by Dirk Hoffmann to graphically display a range of PDEs

Comment: Java might not be the right thing for a quick scan, but the code might be interesting.

Oracle/PHP Interface for ATLAS PvssDb

php scripts by Dirk Hoffmann. Outdated and only partly functional, but might be a good starting point. He recommends using PDV.

Note: Offline database access seems to work, online doesn't.

Comment: If I manage to get hold of the scripts, the code might be interesting.

DCS DB Explorer

Tool originating from the TRT community that is able to graphically explore PVSS archive and COOL database.

Comment: If I get rid of the graphical part, the database access methods might be want we need.

Inner Detector DCS Web Viewer

General multi-purpose tool for all subdetectors. Webbased display of basically everything there is in the offline database and mailing of results in text format.

Comment: Tool seems a bit overloaded but can do a lot of things. However, probably not suited for our purpose.

Outdated pages


ATLAS: ClemensLange/PixelDCS/Documentation (last edited 2010-01-21 16:56:37 by ClemensLange)