Detector Understanding with First Data
DESY, Hamburg, 29/06/09 - 03/07/09
In interactive python session: help on any ATLAS object is available, e.g.
What about calibration of AntiKt etc.? - Have to distiguish between H1 and Local Calibration: H1 cal has cone calibration (does not make much of a difference and then algo specific cal). Local is independent anyway.
- Rerun jetFinder only on ESD or also on AOD?
- Which jets will be calibrated first?
- Recommendation for overlap removal procedure from jet group?
- Difference jet tools and keys?
Inner Detector
correct checkout command is:
svn co $SVNROOT/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkValTools/trunk/root/ResidualsAndPulls $TestArea/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkValTools/ResidualsAndPulls
correct root version:
export ROOTSYS=/afs/
Electron Systematics
To estimate electron reco uncertainty, use figures from egamma group in their Zee tag&probe analysis. They will probably publish 3d (pt,eta,dist to closest jet) efficiencies and uncertainties.