Tag Versions

As a convenient run directory and to make changes to reconstruction settings, it is recommended to check out the package InDetRecExample. The correct version number associated with the release of your choice has to be used (the current version under CVS HEAD can have new settings which are not understood by existing releases). To determine the version of InDetRecExample, use the get_tag script:

get_tag InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample 

This gives a version associated to each release, or you can specify the release as second parameter to the above command. Alternatively you can look at the tag collector or the release area:

cat \ 

in your work area check it out, specifying the concrete version:

cd ${HOME}/InDetReco
cmt co -r InDetRecExample-01-09-04-04 InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample


cvs co -r TrkValTools-00-05-01 -d Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkValTools/root offline/Tracking/TrkValidation/TrkValTools/root

Offline Software Release Status


Installing Athena

Instructions: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/WorkBookInstallingAtlasSoftware#InstSLC5Anchor

cd /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/software/
mkdir 15.6.12
cd 15.6.12
pacman -allow trust-all-caches tar-overwrite -retry 100 pause-3-seconds -get am-CERN:15.6.12

And for the AtlasProduction cache:

source cmtsite/setup.sh -tag=15.6.12
source /afs/cern.ch/atlas/software/pacman/pacman-latest/setup.sh
pacman -retry 100 pause-3-seconds -allow lock-override -allow
trust-all-caches -allow tar-overwrite -get am-CERN:AtlasProduction_15_6_12_4_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt
pacman -update AtlasLogin
pacman -update AtlasSetting

And the TopPhys Cache:

pacman -retry 100 pause-3-seconds -allow lock-override -allow trust-all-caches -allow tar-overwrite -get am-CERN:TopPhys_15_6_12_4_1_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt

ATLAS: ClemensLange/AthenaNotes (last edited 2010-08-30 13:37:51 by ClemensLange)