#acl EditorsGroup:read,write,delete All:read Defaults eventdisplay is a software package for analysis of data from ground-based gamma-ray observatories like [[http://veritas.sao.arizona.edu/|VERITAS]] and [[http://www.cta-observatory.org/|CTA]]. It was originally developed as display for the VERITAS prototype data, but evolved into a '''full analysis package''' with routines for calibration, FADC trace integration, image and stereo parameter analysis, response function calculation and high-level analysis steps (e.g. sky maps and spectral analysis). The original authors of eventdisplay are Jamie Holder and Gernot Maier, see the README/Authors file for all contributions. Eventdisplay is used in VERITAS for science analysis. The package has been used for the analysis of simulations of the response of the 36-telescope concept studies of AGIS, and is well suited for the analysis of CTA arrays with a large number of telescopes. '''evndisplay can be used by all members of the CTA collaboration.''' We recommend to contact G.Maier before starting an analysis. = Documentation = General description of the reconstruction / analysis steps (Proceedings of the ICRC 2017): https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04048 Analysis description: [[attachment:EVNDISP-AnalysisDescription.pdf|pdf]] The most up-to-date version of the manual can be found in the source tar ball below. Note that the documentation is work-in-progress. Additional descriptions for VERITAS users can be found on the VERITAS wiki page ''Eventdisplay_Manual'', more information for CTA users on the CTA [[http://www.cta-observatory.org/ctawpcwiki/images/1/13/GMaier_DESYAnalysisDescription.pdf|wiki]]. = Email list = Please send a mail to Gernot Maier to sign up to the Eventdisplay list for CTA users. = Software distribution = If you are in doubt which version to choose, take the most recent one. For access to the software repository, please contact the developers. Note that in order to analyse VERITAS data, additional libraries will be needed. For CTA analysis, HESSIO libraries have to be installed. == tar balls of recent development version == '''Please contact G.Maier to get the most recent updates.''' = Example for prod3 (North) analysis = Assume that you are in the main directory of eventdisplay == Convert sim_telarray file to DST root file == Assume your sim_telarray data file is called mono.output_muon.simtel.gz ./bin/CTA.convert_hessio_to_VDST -a $CTA_EVNDISP_AUX_DIR/DetectorGeometry/CTA.prod3N.LST.lis -f 2 -c ped.20151106.evndisp.root -o mono.output_muon.dst.root mono.output_muon.simtel.gz == Display and analyse == source ./setObservatory.sh CTA ./bin/evndisp -sourcefile mono.output_muon.dst.root -averagetzerofiducialradius=0.5 -shorttree -l2setspecialchannels nofile -writenoMCTree -ignoredstgains -reconstructionparameter EVNDISP.prod3.reconstruction.runparameter.NN -NNcleaninginputcard EVNDISP.NNcleaning.dat -display=1 = Contact = For questions contact Gernot Maier (gernot.maier@desy.de) The development of eventdisplay was supported by the [[http://www.helmholtz.de/en/jobs_talents/helmholtz_young_investigators_groups/|Helmholtz Young Investigator Program]].