DAQ system for BCM1F Test Beam Jan. 2014 at DESY-Hamburg


  1. Introduction

  2. Test Beam DAQ Setup

  3. Zeuthen Lab Setup for Testing

Schematic of DAQ Elements



The TLU (Trigger Logic Unit) generates triggers for data readout. During running, it takes coincidences of hits in the scintillators to trigger. In test mode it generates triggers itself. Triggers are sent to the telescope and to the DUT (Detector Under Test); in our case the "DUT" is the V1495_TLU interface board programmed by Hans. The interface board is necessary to conduct the TLU's most complex handshake mode, which in addition to the trigger sends the TLU event number. This event number is sent to the DUT and telescope and used to synchronize events between the two systems (instead of using a timestamp). The V1495_TLU stores the event number in a register until it is read out (e.g. by a DAQ program, or Serivas). It also passes a simple trigger signal on to the ADC to trigger the ADC readout.

The V1495_TLU has a veto setting in which no more triggers can be sent until the current trigger number is read out. This veto setting will not work with the TLU's test mode; this is the only (known) functional difference between the TLU's running and test modes.

DAQ for Test Beam

There are two (mostly-independent) DAQ systems: the ADC system used to take the sensor data, and the EUDAQ telescope system to reconstruct the tracks that pass through the sensor. The only connection is that both receive the same event number from the TLU.

Useful Information

We are in Test Beam Area 21, Building 27 (aka Hall 2). Telephone number: (+49 40 8998) 3721

IP addresses



The two-pad diamond is ADC channels 1 and 2, the single-pad diamond is ADC channel 3.

Team member telephone numbers are posted above the desk.

The telescope support number is (0+) 0151-72713427. The phone number of the beam area is 4221. This (and other) information is posted on the whiteboard in the counting room.

Starting Up the DAQ Systems

On the counting room telescope machine (atlaslab01, but with "zenpixell2" monitor), go to the remote desktop. (If not already open, use Remote Desktop to login to with username and pw posted in the counting room.) This is the Windows machine that controls the telescope.

Set the pixel thresholds of the telescope planes:

Start the telescope:

Start the EUDAQ software:

Prepare the ADC DAQ window:

To Do Each Run

1. Start a Run

!!! It is important that the ADC DAQ is started before the EUDAQ/TLU, because the TLU hangs otherwise !!!

Record in the logbook:

2. End the Run

Things to check:

Record in the logbook:

Checking the Data

For X-Y position scan

For high voltage scan:

Diamond Calibration Validation


Other Things You Might Need To Do

1. Change the HV on the Diamond

The HV box is on the NIM crate to the left of the VME crates, next to the telescope assembly. The important number on the display is in the lower-left corner, showing the current voltage in kV. To change it, select which digit you want to change with the right/left arrow buttons (towards the right side of the box). Then change the digit with the up/down arrow buttons just above the right/left arrows. Remember that the display is in kV, so 10 V = 0.01 kV. IMPORTANT: The voltage should ONLY be changed in increments of 10 V = 0.01 kV.

2. Change the x-y Position of the Diamond

Double-click the PIMikroMove icon on the desktop of the remote desktop (Windows machine). There will be two lines in the lower section of the window, one for the X direction and one for the Y direction. Change the step size if necessary (e.g. 1.) and then use the single right and left arrows to the side of the "Target" column entries to change the position in each direction to the desired value.

Data Storage

The ADC and telescope data files are being backed up in three places.

We will use rsync to keep the contents in each location updated.

ADC data

Telescope data

General instructions to use the external hard disk with the Linux machines. Remember to unmount with umount before removing it!


If something is wrong (e.g. triggers are not accumulating) and you can't find anything wrong, try killing and restarting the whole DAQ setup. To kill the EUDAQ there is the killEudaq.bat - Shortcut on the desktop of the remote-desktop-connected Windows machine, next to the start GUI shortcut.

Zeuthen Lab Setup for Testing

Running the Software (Test Mode)

To run a test DAQ setup with the TLU test mode:

  1. Make sure all hardware is on and connected (Wiener crate and TLU).
  2. Start the DAQ program first (or else the TLU hangs).
  3. Change to root (su -) and start the TLU test mode in the directory


with a command like

./TLUControl.exe -t 5 -d 1 -i RJ45 -hm 2 -v 1 -b 1

The -t argument is the time interval (in ms) between generated triggers. The TLU seems to have a maximum trigger-generating frequency of roughly 400 Hz, so changing e.g. between -t argument of 1 and 2 makes no difference.

The full list of commands can be found by doing ./TLUControl.exe -h. In the example above, -d is the DUT mask, -i is the interface to the DUT, -hm is the handshake mode, -v is the veto mask for vetoing external triggers, and -b is the mask for enabling veto of external triggers.

The program can be stopped with Ctrl-C.

Check the frequency in the last line of the periodic output. If it says 0 Hz, the TLU is hanging. With a time interval of 100 ms, the frequency should be about 10 Hz.

Full output of ./TLUControl.exe -h:

TLU Control Utility version 1.0
A comand-line tool for controlling the Trigger Logic Unit

usage: ./TLUControl.exe [options]

  -f --bitfile <filename>       (default = )
     The bitfile containing the TLU firmware to be loaded
  -t --trigger <msecs>  (default = 0)
     The interval in milliseconds for internally generated triggers (0 = off)
  -hm --handshakemode <nohandshake>     (default = 0)
     In this mode the TLU issues a fixed-length pulse on the trigger line (0 = no hand shake)
  -d --dutmask <mask>   (default = 0)
     The mask for enabling the DUT connections
  -v --vetomask <mask>  (default = 0)
     The mask for vetoing external triggers
  -a --andmask <mask>   (default = 255)
     The mask for coincidence of external triggers
  -o --ormask <mask>    (default = 0)
     The mask for ORing of external triggers
  -i --dutinputs <value>        (default = )
     Selects the DUT inputs (values: RJ45,LEMO,HDMI,NONE)
  -e --error-handler <value>    (default = 2)
     Error handler (0=abort, >0=number of tries before exception)
  -r --fwversion <value>        (default = 0)
     Firmware version to load (0=auto)
  -w --wait <ms>        (default = 1000)
     Time to wait between updates in milliseconds
  -p --strobeperiod <cycles>    (default = 1000)
     Period for timing strobe in clock cycles
  -l --strobelength <cycles>    (default = 100)
     Length of 'on' time for timing strobe in clock cycles
  -b --dutveto <mask>   (default = 0)
     Mask for enabling veto of triggers ('backpressure') by rasing DUT_CLK
  -pw --powervctrl <mV> (default = 800)
     LV power, range from 250 to 900 (in mV)
  -n --notimestamp
     Do not read out timestamp buffer
  -q --quit
     Quit after configuring TLU
  -u --wait-for-user
     Wait for user input before starting triggers
  -s --save-file <filename>     (default = )
     The filename to save trigger numbers and timestamps
  -z --trace-file <filename>    (default = )
     The filename to save a trace of all usb accesses,
prepend - for only errors, or + for all data (including block transfers)

DAQ Software for Data-taking




./ start 

to start the DAQ program.

Stop it again with

./ stop

In addition, you can check whether or not it's running with

./ status

This version of the program will check the V1495 register to see if a trigger has been received. If it has, the program will read out the event number and then read out the triggered data from the ADC. It will create an output file with the information from all the triggered events, including a TTree with the event number as a leaf (TluTriggerNumber).

The DAQ program is configured by the parameters in in the same directory. Important DAQ parameters include:

The triggers relative to the data will need to be timed in at the beginning of the test beam running. Acquisition window parameters for previous test beam are currently in This corresponds to a window of 1600 ns (1.6 us). Maybe doesn't need to be that long? Adjustable later, in any case. It should be adjusted such that the peak is within the integration start and stop. (There will be some jitter between the trigger and the peak, so the window should be wide enough to deal with that.)

Output files get put into


This output file location is specified in

Data File Analysis

The output files have various data contained within. A TTree exists containing all the raw data (leaf data) along with various headers and other information. In addition, the program already does some peak-finding, and the resulting histograms for each channel are included.

To look at a single event, use the ROOT script show_Event.cxx in the main directory. It is used as follows in ROOT (the data file does not already have to be open):

.L show_Event.cxx

where X is the channel number (0-7), Y is the event number (but not specifically TLU trigger number) you wish to look at, and N is the number of ADC channels enabled (currently 5).

CMS: TestBeamBcm1fDaq2014 (last edited 2014-01-15 07:29:58 by JessicaLeonard)