#acl EditorsGroup:read,write,admin NAFEditorsGroup:read,write,admin All:read The National Analysis Facility (NAF) is a computing center which needs some more detailed description. This is a first attempt! * [[WorkBook/NAF/GetConnected|Get Connected]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/Authentication|Authentication]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/ATLASSoftware|ATLAS Software]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/GridTools|Grid Tools]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/GeneralTools|General Tools]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/DataStorage|Data Storage]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/Batch System|Batch System]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/PROOF|PROOF]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/FAQ|FAQ]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/Support|Support]] * [[WorkBook/NAF/Tutorials|Tutorials]] If you are new to the NAF, follow the instructions and examples to see how things work at the NAF: * [[WorkBook/NAF/GettingStarted|Getting Started]] More information can be found under http://naf.desy.de. <
> Information for ATLAS NAF support team: * [[WorkBook/NAF/Internal|Internal]] In case you want to contribute to this Wiki get an account (top right) and write naf-atlas-support[at]desy.de to get on the '[[NAFEditorsGroup|NAFEditorsGroup]]'. /* Users can be added to this group by adding their username on the [[NAFEditorsGroup|group page]]. */