#acl EditorsGroup:read,write All:read Collection of information for ATLAS NAF support team: * [[WorkBook/NAF/Internal/ProblemLog|ProblemLog]] = Guidelines for AFS Quota = * every user starts with 0.5 GB * AFS quota should be increased in 0.5 or 1 GB steps * 1-2GB is no problem at all, 4 GB is the maximum * consider, creating an extra group/project volume for projects = work group server = * sar -f /var/log/sa/sa04 * sar -q -r = AFS = * missing volumes: fs checkv * files without ??? as permissions: fs flushvolume = Batch System = * system status: qstat -g c * limit per users: qconf -srqs max_jobs_per_user = dCache = {{{ export DCACHE_DEBUG=127 export DCACHE_DEBUG_FILE=/tmp/dcache.log netstat -ap }}} = VO = * voms-admin --vo atlas --host voms.cern.ch list-members /atlas/de = DDM = * dq2-set-replica-metadata owner * dq2-list-deletion-info * dq2-cancel-deletion * CERN: source /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GRID/ddm/DQ2Clients/testing/setup.sh = Software Installation = {{{ cd /afs/naf.desy.de/group/atlas/software/kits source ../pacman-latest/setup.sh pacman -get xyz.pacman pacman -get http://cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/Production/cache:AtlasProduction_15_6_3_12_i686_slc5_gcc43_opt }}} For a cache you need to setup a release, e.g.: {{{ source cmtsite/setup.sh -tag=15.6.3,noTest,32 }}} * base release: http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/projects/cache * production cache: http://cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/Production/cache * physics cache: http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/kitsDirectory/Analysis/cache/ = Downtime = * dCache: please remember that conditions flat files are taken from T2 SE. Maybe switch to other site or Lustre access * sites: is registry affected? If yes, no group (including atlas-high) modification is possible = Special Subscriptions = * data11_7TeV.periodAllYear.physics_Egamma.PhysCont.AOD.pro10_v01/ (60 TB) DATADISK sebastian.schmitt@cern.ch = Start of NAF-2 documentation =