These are the ATLAS NAF instructions for the Detector Understanding with First LHC Data Workshop (29.6. - 3.7.2009).

Login into NAF

For login into the NAF you need a valid Grid proxy and hence a recent Grid User Interface (UI). For more details on the login procedure and UI requirements see There are different options to get a UI:

Create a grid proxy with the -rfc option (proxy version 4):

voms-proxy-init -voms atlas -rfc

The created grid proxy is of version 4, which is not recognized by all Grid applications. For example the globus job manager has problems with it.

Log into the ATLAS NAF login server:

gsissh -Y

You will be automatically forwarded to one of the ATLAS NAF work group servers. A load balancing is applied. The option -Y enables trusted X11 forwarding. Otherwise no new windows will be exported to your local machine.

The available work group server for ATLAS can be listed using the command wgsinfo. During the workshop the following hosts are available: tcx030, tcx040, tcx050, tcx052, tcx053, tcx054, tcx060, tcx063.

For more details see

Grid Setup

Although you came into the NAF with a valid Grid proxy, it is lost after login. Hence you need to be able to create a Grid proxy at the NAF.

First, copy your grid certificate from your local or institutes machine to the NAF:

If your session is on your local machine:

gsiscp -pr $HOME/.globus

If your session is on the NAF:

scp -pr YOURHOSTNAME:.globus $HOME

Depending on the firewall setting of your local machine, you might prefer the first.

Now, set up the Grid UI and check out your grid certificate:

ini gliteatlas

This sources the Grid UI and set some ATLAS specific variables, e. g. LFC.

voms-proxy-init -voms atlas:/atlas/de -valid 96:00

voms-proxy-info -all

Look at the different attributes and create a Grid proxy with plain ATLAS role.

For more details see:


Like CERN your home directory is in the AFS filesystem and hence you can see it from every computer in the world with an AFS client. Well, with some restrictions. The root to the home directories is /afs/ followed by the first letter of your username and the username, e. g. /afs/ Every user has a directory called public in the home directory, which is world readable. Try

ls /afs/

from any AFS client, e. g. lxplus at CERN.

If you want to access some other directories within your home directory, you can either change the AFS ACLs (be careful with them) or get a NAF AFS token. Because a Grid proxy is used for authentication at the NAF a Grid proxy is also needed to get a NAF AFS token. Remember, you do not have a password for your NAF account. If you have AFS access at your local computer, you can create a NAF AFS token with the following script:


Please, try it out. Go to your computer at your institute, get a grid proxy (version 4), get the NAF AFS token and list the content of your home directory at the NAF.

For more details see:

ATLAS Software

Please, start from a clean shell to avoid any contamination of your environment from previous work!

At the NAF a few scripts are provided in the /afs/ directory to ease your life. In addition some ATLAS script are also installed there. Type

ini atlas

to add this directory to your $PATH variable.

If you are an experienced ATLAS user and you have worked with kits, you can setup your own ATLAS environment. For everybody else (and the lazy experts) you can run a script, which will do it for you: --create

This creates the cmthome directory, a requirement file and sets up cmt. In addition, it creates an atlas directory in your home directory. Check the directories and AFS ACLs (fs listacl) for the directories. Your testarea is set up to be in $HOME/atlas/testarea. If you have already an old $HOME/cmthome directory and a requirements file, remove either the whole $HOME/cmthome directory or the requirements file. The script will not overwrite existing files.

The latest requirements file can be get from

From the requirements file, you see where the kits are installed including version and production caches.

By default the ATLAS kits are installed in AFS. For the tutorial, a local copy of the ATLAS software (release 15.1.0 and 15.2.0) is also installed in /tmp/atlas on every work group server. You can and should switch to this installation using the additional tag local when setting up your ATLAS environment.

Now, check if athena is working:

source $HOME/cmthome/ -tag=15.1.0,local AthExHelloWorld/

If you want to check out a package from CERN, you need a Kerberos ticket for CERN:

kinit cernusername@CERN.CH

If your CERN username is different from your NAF username, tell ssh about it. An example is on the ATLAS Software wiki page.

In order to test it you should check out the UserAnalysis package:

mkdir -p $HOME/atlas/testarea/15.1.0
cd $HOME/atlas/testarea/15.1.0
cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-13-14 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis

If you want to know the official tag of a package for a certain release, use the get_tag command (use ini atlas on the NAF if the command is not found).

Also remember, that you can have only one Kerberos 5 ticket for authentication. Either your NAF one or your CERN one. If you want to log into another NAF machine, submit to the batch system or use the automatic Kerberos ticket, AFS token and Grid proxy renewal service, you need a new NAF ticket. Either start with a new NAF session or use the naf_ticket command (use ini atlas if the command is not found).

Compile the package:

cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt
cmt make

Sometimes you want to use an AtlasProduction cache, which is used for official MC production. E. g. if you want to use the job transform scripts for a private MC production. These caches are usually installed at the NAF. You can set them up in the following way, e. g. for

source ~/cmthome/ -tag=,AtlasProduction

Please note, that your testarea ends now into See the shell variable $TestArea for the full path.

For more details see:


Please, start from a clean shell to avoid any contamination of your environment from previous work!

With AthenaROOTAccess (ARA) you can use ROOT to analyse interactively AODs or DPDs. Clearly, some information about the ATLAS Event Data Model (EDM) is needed. Therefor you need the ATLAS software, which also contains the required ROOT installation.


For release 15.1.0 you need the following package for AthenaROOTAccess:

Follow the instruction to check them out and compile them. Start from a new shell:

mkdir -p $HOME/atlas/testarea/15.1.0
source $HOME/cmthome/ -tag=15.1.0,local
cd $TestArea
kinit cernusername@CERN.CH
cmt co -r AthenaROOTAccess-00-05-46-01 PhysicsAnalysis/AthenaROOTAccess
cmt co -r AthenaROOTAccessExamples-00-00-25 PhysicsAnalysis/AthenaROOTAccessExamples
cd WorkArea/cmt
cmt config
cmt broadcast cmt make
cd ../..

Getting Started

In the following you should work with the interactive features of ARA. Go into the AthenaROOTAccessExamples package and prepare your run directory:

cd $TestArea/PhysicsAnalysis/AthenaROOTAccessExamples
mkdir run
cd run
cp ../../AthenaROOTAccess/share/ .
ln -s /scratch/current/atlas/DUW09/intro/mc08.106050.PythiaZee_1Lepton.merge.AOD.e347_s462_r635_t53_tid064381/AOD.064381._00171.pool.root.1 AOD.pool.root

As the core of AthenaROOTAccess is written in python, you need to call the python script within ROOT to load the AOD content. By default the file AOD.pool.root will be loaded. Look at the ARA TWiki page to learn how to use TChainROOTAccess to load more than one file. TChainROOTAccess is the ARA equivalent of a ROOT TChain.

root -l 
root [0] TPython::Exec("execfile('')")
root [1] CollectionTree_trans = (TTree *)gROOT->Get("CollectionTree_trans")

Now you are ready to go. You can work with the CollectionTree_trans tree like a normal ROOT tree.

# list all objects in the tree, the name of the object is the StoreGate key

# get number of entries

# draw a variable

# scan a variable

# get the size of a container, notice the @ at the beginning of the variable name

# start the browser
TBrowser b

When the transient collection tree is loaded, automatically the dictionaries of all contained classes are also loaded and available within the ROOT session. For example tab completion can be used to browse class names, member functions and data members.

Let's try some out:

For more details see:

ATLAS: WorkBook/NAF/DUW09Introduction (last edited 2009-06-26 16:05:03 by WolfgangEhrenfeld)