## page was renamed from tips #acl RoccoMandrysch:admin,read,write All:read '''____''' ''' ''' __'''create *.deb package:'''__''' ''' create a directory which has the same like the *.deb package (example: test) and the other relevant directory (DEBIAN) and information fie (control) for creating of *.deb package {{{ mkdir -p test/usr/bin/ mkdir -p test/DEBIAN echo 'echo "hallo..!"' > test/usr/bin/test.sh chmod a+x test/usr/bin/test.sh nano test/DEBIAN/control }}} the file ''control'' should look like {{{ Package: test Version: 1.0 Section: base Priority: optional Architecture: all Depends: bash Maintainer: ich < mail@ich.eu > Description: test prog }}} and with {{{ dpkg-deb --build test }}} you create your ''test.deb'' package {{{ }}}