#acl RobertRiemann:read,write,admin All:read = Address = Platanenallee 6 Room 3P12 D-15738 Zeuthen Germany Newtonstr. 15 = Phone = +49 33 7627 7173 = Email = <> = Projects = *maintenance of this wiki ([[RobertRiemann/LogBook/wiki|Wiki-LogBook]]) * working with root and sframe on shape variables: ([[RobertRiemann/LogBook/Shapevariables|Shapevariables-LogBook]]) *preparation of my bachelor thesis = Root-Examples = *[[/RootExamples/TreeWalk|TreeWalk]]: Stand-Alone compiled root program with Makefile to iterate over the tree of multiple Root files. = Maybe I can help you with ... = *openSUSE *hardware on linux *LaTeX, Kile *KDE v3, v4 *HTML/CSS *Ruby, Ruby + Qt/KDE (korumdum bindings), Ruby + Root *guitar playing ;) = Links = * http://salout.github.com (private blog) * http://github.com/saLOUt (public code repository) * http://people.physik.hu-berlin.de/~rriemann