Group Setup

The most important thing to know is your main computer group. id shows the main group after gid. If your main group is atlas the standard atlas setup will be done automatically when you log intot an atlas computer. Otherwise you have to source the following file:

Using bash

source /afs/
export PATH=/afs/$PATH 

Using (t)csh

source /afs/
setenv PATH /afs/${PATH}

This will setup the batch system.

KITS at Hamburg

The following list of releases is installed:

use to list the current installed AtlasOffline and AtlasProduction versions.


Use the command to get a curent requirements file for the installed kits.

CMT for setting up the requirement file is installed in each kit. For example use the following to setup CMT from the releasse 15.2.0 kit area:

EventView Group Area at Hamburg



CERN token

If you want to work on package using cmt or svn you need a kerberos token for CERN. You can get it with one of the following commands:

kinit username@CERN.CH 


Usually you need a valid grid proxy (grid-proxy-init or voms-proxy-init --voms atlas). In order to get a GRID UI (User Interface) use ini glite. The following tools are installed at DESY:


Useful Commands

ATLAS: RobertRiemann/LogBook/wikiInternal/ATLAS SW at Hamburg (last edited 2009-08-05 18:13:33 by WolfgangEhrenfeld)