
This package provides the pileup correction for MC. The correction comes in the form of an event weight based on the average number of interactions <mu>. This tool needs two input hisograms: <mu> for data and MC. These histograms are fetched during the setup. The data input histogram can be also created with iLumiCalc. This will look slightly different from that linked to the official twiki. The explanation for this plus further infos on the official page here.

Package Infos


To check out the PileupReweightingTool type

svn co svn+ssh:// PileupReweightingTool

To compile it type

cd PileupReweightingTool
make distclean&&make

The setup script gets the input histograms and merges them. Specify in the hist.names file which histogram of a given data period you want. A list of available histograms is available here.


ATLAS: Projects/TopPhysicsInternal/AnalysisFramework/AvailablePackages/PileupReweightingTool (last edited 2011-07-04 12:11:40 by ElinBergeaasKuutmann)