#AvailablePackages <> == package information == repository: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/desyatfw/browser/CommonAnalysis/Common/JetCPTools Package providing Jet uncertainties/corrections: * obtain JES uncertainty ([[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/MultijetJESUncertaintyProviderTop|official documentation]]) {{{ svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/desyatfw/CommonAnalysis/Common/JetCPTools/trunk JetCPTools }}} === recommended tags === until tested version exists use trunk == known problems == none. These warnings from the JESUncertaintyTool are OK and known: {{{ (WARNING) TNamed::Multije... : analysis sample response larger than light quark jet response: setting response(sample)/r_incl = response(light quarks)/r_incl --> Check input graph responseSample in file $SFRAME_DIR/../Common/JetCPTools/files/MJESttbarSemi_rel16.root! }}} == example code == {{{ for( JetVecIt it_jets = AllJets.begin(); it_jets != AllJets.end(); ++it_jets ) { double uncertainty = m_jesUncertaintyTool.getUncertainty(*it_jets, AllJets, collisionVertexN, 1.); // don't forget to correct MET! } }}} ---- [[../|AvailablePackages]]