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= Safe Variables in tauRec =
This page desribes the cut-based discriminant in tauRec with so-called Safe Variables<
Current results can be found here: [[http://www.desy.de/~gosdzik/SafeVarOpt/FinalPlots/|Safe Variables]]
== Cut-based approach ==
There are two approaches available, one using only calorimeter information one combining calorimeter and tracking information.
=== Calo-approach ===
More safe approach, calorimeter will be well understood at very early stage (hopefully ;) ).<
'''Variable desription:'''
* EMRadius (Radius in EM Calorimeter)<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Runs over all cells in the EM Calorimeter in a cluster with dR<0.4
* !IsoFrac (Isolation Fraction)<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Ring of 0.1><><
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Transverse energy width in strip layer (fist layer of EM barrel)
* EtEMEt (Fraction of transverse energy in the EM Calorimeter and total Et)<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Fraction of transverse energy in the EM calorimeter and the total transverse energy
'''Histograms for Calo-approach:'''<
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloOnlyDist|Distribution plots]] <
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloOnlyPerf|Performance plots]] <
* Correlation plots
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloOnlyCorrelationSignal|Signal]] <
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloOnlyCorrelationBackground|Background]]
=== Calo+Track-approach ===
More aggressive approach with better rejection power.<
'''Variable description:'''
* RWidth2Trk3 (Width of track momenta)<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Width of tracks, weighted with their transverse momenta
* etOverPtLeadTrack (Fraction of pT and Et of leading track)<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Large fraction of tau energy is expected to be carried by the leading track
* EtEMsumpT<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Fraction of transverse energy in the EM Calorimeter and total pT
* EtEMsumpT<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Fraction of transverse energy in the EM Calorimeter and total pT
* sumpTEt<
>{{{#!wiki blue/solid
Fraction of total transverse momenta and total transverse energy
'''Histograms for Calo+Track-approach:'''<
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloTrackDist|Distribution plots]] <
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloTrackPerf|Performance plots]] <
* Correlation plots
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloTrackCorrelationSignal|Signal]] <
* [[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/CaloTrackCorrelationBackground|Background]]
== Data samples ==
Several signal and background data samples from release 14.2.0 production were used for the optimization of the safe variables. The tables below give the number of events and cross-section for these samples.
* Signal:
||<#8080FF> Dataset ID||<#8080FF> channel||<#8080FF> number events||<#8080FF> x-section||
* Background:
||<#8080FF> Dataset ID||<#8080FF> channel||<#8080FF> number events||<#8080FF> x-section||
||005010||Di-jet J1 (17-35 GeV)||78500||<>||
||005011||Di-jet J2 (35-70 GeV)||141000||<>||
||005012||Di-jet J3 (70-140 GeV)||123950||<>||
||005014||Di-jet J5 (280-560 GeV)||116200||<>||
For the distribution and performance plots the J5 was excluded and the samples were weighted to <>
== PUB Note ==
[[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/PUBNoteDist|Distribution plots]] <
[[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/PUBNotePerf|Performance plots]] <
[[Projects/SimRec/TauID/SafeVariables/PUBNoteTables|Performance tables]] <
If you have questions please contact [[BjoernGosdzik|Björn Gosdzik]]