#acl EditorsGroup:read,write All:read #format wiki #language en <> This page will collect information about the ATLAS Remote Monitoring Room at DESY. ---- = Hamburg = == Booking == The ATLAS DESY-HH room can be booked via the DESY Exchange Server: * [[https://eas.desy.de/public/ATLAS/RMR 003_xF8FF_121/|RMR 0303/121]] * [[https://owa.desy.de/public/ATLAS/RMR%20003_xF8FF_121/?Cmd=contents&View=Weekly|Public Folders -> ATLAS -> RMR 003/121]] All bookings can be seen here: * http://atlas-kalendar.desy.de/ == Tandberg == The video conference system consists of a Tandberg C20 and a NEC MULTEOS Mxx. The IP address of the ATLAS-DESY-HH video conference is The E.164 address is 00494089985969@gk.desy.de. == EVO == You can use EVO to connect to the Tandberg. Please use the ''atlas-desy'' EVO account. Use the '''Call''' tab in Koala and choose the '''H.323''' option. Specify "ATLAS DESY-HH !VideoConf" as Display Name and enter the IP address into H.323 Address field. If you are outside a meeting, EVO will create a Private Call meeting. If you first connected EVO to a meeting, the video equipment will also join this meeting. == Phones == Conference phone: 5465 <
> Phones: xxxx yyyy zzzz == Working Stations == PC1 (atlasrmr01): DESY Standard PC Work 10.07y with two Zotac !GeForce 9500GT Zone 512MB/DDR2/128 Bit 2xDVI PCI-E (4x 19' ' screen) [[attachment:xorg_atlasrmr01_20090826.conf|xorg.conf]] <
> PC2 (atlasrmr02): DESY Standard PC Buero 10.07 with one Zotac !GeForce 9500GT Zone 512MB/DDR2/128 Bit 2xDVI PCI-E (2x 24' ' screen) [[http://www.cherry.de/deutsch/produkte/wireless_desktops_BUNLIMITED_home.htm|CHERRY B.UNLIMITED]] Wireless Keybooard/Mouse (rechargeable, EU layout)<
> Comments: * usually two 2x grafic cards are cheaper than one 4x card, but more PCI-E slots are needed, which needs a bigger mainboard and case. * the X server can merge screens from more than one grafic card. This will give a continuous screen only if !TwinView is disabled. * KDE can cope with different screen pixel sizes, but some tweaking is needed to align icon and the task bar --> use same screens. Links: * [[http://www.zotac.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=221&Itemid=318|Zotac]] * [[http://www.nvidia.com/page/quadronvs.html|Nvidia Quadro]] = Zeuthen = == Working Stations == * Two DELL T3400 Desktop PC with two grafic cards and for monitors each [[attachment:xorg_atlasrcr01.conf|xorg.conf]] * Four DELL T3400 Desktop PC with two monitors each [[attachment:xorg_atlasrcr02.conf|xorg.conf]] = Links = * [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/RemoteMonitoring|ATLAS Remote Monitoring TWiki]] * [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/TileRemoteMonitoring|ATLAS Tile Remote Monitoring TWiki]] * [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/OfflineMonitoringTriggerShifterInstuctions2008|ATLAS Trigger Offline Monitoring TWiki]] = Live Streams = * [[http://atlas-vp1.web.cern.ch/atlas-vp1/doc/doc_vp1live/|VP1 live]] * [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/Atlantis|Atlantis TWiki]] [[http://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/atlas/atlantis/|Atlantis Documentation]] = Monitoring links = * [[http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC1|LHC1]] [[http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC2|LHC2]] [[http://op-webtools.web.cern.ch/op-webtools/vistar/vistars.php?usr=LHC3|LHC3]] = Outside Screens = * [[Projects/RemoteMonitoringRoom/OutsideScreens]]