ATLAS Silicon Pixel Detector Upgrade

Around 2020/2022 major parts of the ATLAS Inner Detector (i.e. silicon pixel and strip detectors, and transition radiation tracker) will have to be replaced. According to current planning the new Inner Detector will be an all-silicon tracker. The DESY ATLAS group is currently focusing its investigations in the field of new powering schemes and Monte Carlo simulations of detector layouts.

Powering Concepts and System Integration

New powering concepts will become indispensable due to the increased number of channels and current consumption in future detectors and upgrades of the existing ATLAS tracker. Therefore we are setting up a test system to measure efficiency, noise behavior and fault liability for investigating different new powering schemes (i.e. serial / parallel powering) of pixel and strip modules.

Monte Carlo Simulations

Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are needed to arrive at the best possible layout of the upgraded Inner Detector, given the constraints of physics reach, material budget, engineering limits, and cost. The DESY ATLAS group has been instrumental in implementing upgrade simulations in the current ATLAS software framework and focuses on quick checks of layouts via the fast simulation package FATRAS (to be complemented with a detailed GEANT4 based simulation).


Conrad Friedrich

Ulrich Husemann

Clemens Lange

Andreas Salzburger

Hongbo Zhu

Sebastian Gerhardt

ATLAS: Projects/Pixel/Upgrade (last edited 2011-07-14 20:48:50 by ConradFriedrich)