Here we try to collect some useful information for being a Pixel shifter in the ATLAS Control Room ...

You might also want to consult the glossary to get some answers ...

Before taking shifts

To be able to do shifts for the pixel detector, be it DAQ or DCS shifts, you have to do some training first. Usually this includes a introductory talk/course and a couple of hands-on sessions together with one of the experts.

For the moment (May 5th, 2009) the responsible for shift training is Lucia Masetti (<lucia.masetti AT SPAMFREE cern DOT ch>).

For the time being (May 5th, 2009) there is no official training procedure for new comers, only refreshing courses for last year's shifters.

Common Stuff

What is the phone number of the pixel desk?

It's 71345!

Where can I find the Pixel operations manual?


DAQ Shifts

How to enable all modules in the Calibration Console?

Go to Apply Disable and choose AllModulesEnabled.

How to get a hanging infrastrcture back (or rid of it and restart)?

Open the 'DAQPanel', goto 'CtrlAdvanced' and start the 'PMG' panel. Choose 'KillPartition' and then restart the infrastructure.

How to select RODs to be used for scans?

Maybe the best way is to goto 'File->(Re)Allocated Action' and choose whatever you want ...

How to start up your own Calibration Console?

Log on to e.g. pc-pix-srv-01 and source the environment like shown in "How to use console tools?" and issue


How to use console tools?

Log in to the computers and start up a shell (you'll need a P1 account). Source the default scripts by issuing

source /det/pix/scripts/

The current DAQ version can be found by issuing

echo $PIX_LIB

Tools, such as DumpDisable, can be found in e.g.


What is the OnCall number?

It's 165359!

Where to find scan data on disk?

On e.g. pc-pix-srv-01 goto /data2/pixelDAQ/scanDATA. You'll need a P1 account for that though.

DCS Shifts

How to get an error free detector?

This is meant to be in terms of propagation to the RunCoordinator, since avery subsystem is supposed to keep their part free of error/warning messages not to hide new messages under known ones.

You can disable the individual module in the module/stave panel (righthand side) or (as preferred by some DCS guys) disable only the error propagation by clicking on the checkmark in the treeview (lefthand side).

How to go to high/nominal power mode?

Open 'secret' SetCacheValues panel from PP0 view, select modules (wildcards possible), select e.g. 'VISET_HIGH-power'/'VISET_NOMINAL_v3' from ConfDB and select 'Load/Apply'. In the FSM (left side) choose 'RELOAD' for the according part of the detector.

How to handle a high digital module current (VDD1_I)?

Check for the digital module voltage (VDD1_V). In case it is low it would be an indication for a short in case it is normal it would be an indication for a HV open module. You might consider (in both cases) to take it out of data taking and/or disable the module.

How to handle a varying digital module current (VDD1_I)?

If the digital module current is varying a lot the module might have lost it clock and or configuration. You check for the latter by resetting the optoboard (PP0 panel) and the former by asking the DAQ shifter to resend the module configuration.

How to start up panels in the remote desktop?

Open a remote desktop by issuing

rdesktop -g 1250x900 -a 16 -d cern

To just look at FSM or AlarmScreen click on the buttons shown! To take control or open other panels choose a computer and the panel as given below...

Click 'Run' in the end ...

How to switch on modules?

Choose "SWITCH_ON_LV" and afterwards "SWITCH_ON_HV".

How to switch off modules?

Choose "SWITCH_OFF_HV" and afterwards "BACK_TO_OPTO_ON" (to switch off low voltage).

What are the default DCS vales?

All values are about right ...

What is the OnCall number?

It's 162231!

Since the opto boards will be altered one had to power off the laser, not to transmit 'random' signals to the modules. So switch of VVDC from the PP0 panel.

What to do in case of a large fraction of modules/PP0s in 'unkown' state?

On thing would be to bring the according fractions of the detector into the state 'started' by issuing 'BACK TO STARTED'. And then restart/switch on the according afterwards. !!! You might want to coordinate this with the ID General Shifter, since going through these steps might influence the cooling. !!!

Where are the hidden panels in the FSM?

The hidden panels will slowly disappear from the FSM during 2009.

ATLAS: Projects/Pixel/ShifterInformation (last edited 2009-05-06 16:52:48 by SaschaMehlhase)