#acl PixelGroup:read,write,admin,revert All:read Here we will try to collect some words, abbreviations and other stuff that is important or at least useful to know about the pixel detector and it's operation. <> ---- . Not all the words are explained by now, because this list is still work in progress ... so come back later of feel free to add stuff you consider important. == A == ||Alarm Screen ||Is the tool to look for current warnings and error messages concerning the detector. You can log in remotely (in case you have a P1 account) by typing e.g. {{{rdesktop -g 1250x900 -a 16 -k de -d cern cerntsatldcs.cern.ch}}} || == B == || Bakeout Panel || Special panel showing package temperatures and humidity values.<
> choose from {{{pixellcs12}} on {{{rdesktop -g 1250x900 -a 16 -k de -d cern cerntsatldcs.cern.ch}}} || || BOC || Back-Of-Crate cards recieve signals from the optoboards. || == C == ||Calibration Console || Central DAQ tool to do calibrations, scane and analyses on the detector. See [[Projects/Pixel/ShifterInformation|shifter info]] for details. || == D == ||Data Quality (DAQ) || || ||Detector Control System (DCS) ||The DCS monitors the current (and past) status of the detector, includes the software and hardware interlock control as well as the environmental information.|| || DORIC || Digital Optical Receiver IC chip. Digitises the signals received by the PIN diodes on the optoboards. || || Data Point Entry (DPE) || One specific item in the PVSS database. It as a name and an alias. [[../DPEInfo|Look here for details.]] || || DRX || Digital Receiver IC chip. Digitises the signals received by the PIN diodes on the BOCs. || == F == ||Finite State Machine (FSM) ||The FSM is the tool to represent the detector status and transitions from one status to another (also in DCS shifts). You can log in remotely (in case you have a P1 account) by typing e.g.<
>{{{rdesktop -g 1250x900 -a 16 -k de -d cern cerntsatldcs.cern.ch}}} || == H == || HV || High voltage for the modules to create the depletion zone. (150V, O(muA))|| == M == ||Module ||Thereis 1744 modules in the detector each consisting of 16 front ends (FEs). Six to seven build up one half-stave. Label example: L1_B04_S2_A7_M3A|| ||Module Controller Chip (MCC) || || == O == || Octant || Subgroup of the detector in <>. N=8 || == P == || PIN diode || Positive-intrinsic-Negative diodes. Used to receive the signals send by the VCSELs || || Powercycle || Process of switching off an on the module(s). || || !ProzessVisualisierungs- und !SteuerungsSystem (PVSS) || Software and data base to monitor and control the detector and to store the DCS data. || || PVSS Data Viewer || Tool to look at PVSS data. [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PvssDataViewer|PDV on TWiki]] || == Q == || Quadrant || Subgroup of the detector in <>. Each contains two octants. N=4 || == R == ||Read Out Driver (ROD) || || == S == ||Scan, Analog || || ||Scan, BOC || || ||Scan, Inlink || || ||Scan, Inlink/Outlink || || ||Scan, Threshold || || ||Sector || || ||Stave || There are 272 halv-staves in the detector, each with six to seven modules connected to it.|| == V == || VCSEL || Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers. Used to send signals from the optoboards to the BOCs and vice versa. || || VDC || VCSEL Driver Chip. Receives the electrical signals from up to seven modules and converts them to VCSEL drive current signals. || || VDD1_I, VDD1_V || Digital current and voltage of the pixel modules.<
>(disks: 2.0V, ~700mA; barrel: 2.1V, ~350mA)|| || VDDA1_I, VDDA1_V || Analog current and voltage of the pixel modules.<
>(disks: 1.6V, ~1.2A; barrel: 1.7V, ~80mA) || || VISet_I, VISet_V || Current and voltage that determine the laser power of the VCSEL array(s). || || VVDC_I, VVDC_V || Digital current and voltage of the pixel modules. ||