## Please do not edit the following line! #acl EditorsGroup:read,write All:read = A++ - An Object-Oriented Analysis Framework for ATLAS = == Introduction == An object–oriented framework for particle physics analysis at ATLAS. It is written in C++ and heavily based on the Root libraries. Its main features (under development) are: * Fully object-oriented event structure with all its benefits like encapsulation, abstraction and code which is both easy to understand and easy to maintain even for multiple developers. * Can be used for any kind of analysis or study at ATLAS because of its open and abstract data structure. Easy to extend. * Since being used for different analyses the code is tested in a thorough and versatile manner resulting in an efficient reduction of bugs. * Lots of routines for daily use in analyses. More information, especially on how to download, install and run A++ can be found [[http://www-eep.physik.hu-berlin.de/ATLAS/a_plusplus|here]]. Please feel free to contact the people below for any questions. == Contact == Currently the following people are working on A++: *[[OliverKind|Oliver Kind]] *[[DanielRichter|Daniel Richter]] *[[RoccoMandrysch|Rocco Mandrysch]] *[[MartinZurNedden|Martin zur Nedden]]