#acl HongboZhu:read,write,admin,delete #acl PixelGroup:read,write,admin All:read ##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en '''Contact''': Email: <> ## You can even more obfuscate your email address by adding more uppercase letters followed by a leading and trailing blank. = Research Topics = [[HongboZhu/ElectronID|Electron ID & Trigger Efficiency]] [[HongboZhu/SctUpgrade|SCT Upgrade]] [[HongboZhu/TDAQShifts|TDAQ Shifts]] = Useful Links = [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/GoodRunsListsTutorial | GoodRunLists Tutorial]] [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/DistributedAnalysisUsingGanga | GANGA]] = Tips = === Authentication === Kerberos authentication {{{ kinit -5 username@CERN.CH [Note CERN.CH in uppercase] klog username [If you want to access your AFS files as well] }}} === Event Counting === Count number of events in a single pool.root file {{{ checkFile.py }}} or all pool.root files under a directory {{{ countEvents.py }}} {{{ ### entries adder ### import PyUtils.PoolFile as PF PF.PoolOpts.FAST_MODE = True from glob import glob fnames = glob('/some/directory/*.pool.root') summary = {} for fname in fnames: summary[fname] = PF.PoolFile(fname).dataHeader.nEntries print "all entries:",sum(summary.values()) ### EOF ### }}}