#acl HongboZhu:read,write,admin,delete #acl PixelGroup:read,write,admin All:read ##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en = Introduction = Electron reconstruction in ATLAS combines the information from the Inner detector and the electromagnetic calorimeter. The electron identification and trigger efficiencies are crucial for benchmark processes W,Z in early data. = The Tag-and-Probe Method = Comments on the [[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/InsituPerformance | InsituPerformance]] framework. == Selection Criteria == {{attachment:Cuts.png || height= 350,width=700}} == Fit Signal and Background == Extended Maximum Likelihood (EML) : {{attachment:SignalPdf.png || width=400 }} Breit-Wigner: <> Approximate parton luminosity term: <> Crystal Ball: <> == Datasets == {{attachment:Datasets.png || width=700}} = Results = = Systematics =