Database problems

The standard database version for Athena 14.5.0 is 6.2.1. However, for the single particle files one requires DBrelease 6.3.1. This has to be installed in the release and set as default, otherwise one will encounter the following problem:

IOVDbSvc                                  ERROR resolveHVSTag> tag: OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-06 does NOT exist
IOVDbSvc                                  ERROR Tag name GLOBAL cannot be resolved in folder /Indet/PixelDist

Infos on how to overwrite the default version can be found on the NAF/ATLAS Software page.

In brief:

source ~/cmthome/ -tag=14.5.0 ...

If the database version is not available one might also revert back to an older release. Therefore one has to put

globalflags.ConditionsTag = 'OFLCOND-SIM-00-00-04'

into the jobOptions.

More information can be found here:

Change InDetStandardPlots.root name

from InDetRecExample.InDetKeys import InDetKeys
InDetKeys.StandardPlotHistName = "InDetStandardPlots2.root"

Tracking Material

ATLAS: ClemensLange/UpgradeNotes (last edited 2009-09-18 12:57:47 by ClemensLange)