<> == Production information for SingleTopDPDMaker == see attached files for submission jobOptions: * [[attachment:DESYSubmission_jobOption.py]] * [[attachment:DESYexeSingleTopDPDMaker.py]] * [[attachment:DESYrunSingleTopDPDMaker.py]] * [[attachment:DESYsetSingleTopDPDMaker.py]] * [[attachment:Datasets.py]] * [[attachment:SingleTopDPDSubmission]] file name pattern: user09.ClemensLange.SingleTop1550.DATASET.v01 == Technicalities == === Data === When running over Data: The EventInfo-Container is set to the old FDR analysis. The EventInfo-Container should be set to '''MCEventInfo''' no matter what. === Cosmics === When running over Cosmics: Make sure to set '''Cosmics = True'''. This sets the JetContainer to AntiKt4H1TowerJets and the EventInfoContainer to ByteStreamEventInfo. == Differences to standard SingleTopDPDMaker == * no UJet and BJet container in RecoTree (added flag DoJetBLightSplitting) * additional AntiKt4LCTopo jets * additional MET info in reco ---- CategorySingleTopDPDMaker