These are the quick-start instructions for a combined grid production effort. === Set up environment === * log on to the NAF * set up athena (version will change in the future) and panda: {{{ asetup,TopPhys --testarea="/afs/" export PATHENA_GRID_SETUP_SH=/afs/ source /afs/ cd $TestArea/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/SingleTopDPDMaker/share }}} === check your submission settings === We somehow have to make sure that people don't change the configuration files while other people are submitting. A good idea would be to have Athena Auto-Configuration do all the settings automatically. This already works except for the Data=True/False switch (this should technically also be possible in the near future). Until then: * make sure you set Data=True/False correctly in The rest works out of the box. === submit jobs === To execute job submission issue: {{{ ./SingleTopDPDSubmission }}} It might be a good idea to do all steps from the top in a screen, because job submission can take a while. Make sure that all jobs are submitted correctly. You need to enter your grid proxy passphrase for the submission. === job monitoring === You can monitor your jobs via the [[|panda webinterface]] To re-submit jobs use [[|pbook]] More information on Panda can be found at === copying of datasets to DESY-ZN_LOCALGROUPDISK === The replication of the datasets is automatically requested by the pathena job. In order to see the progress of replication, have a look at this webpage: You must freeze your datasets once the job is successfully finished in this way: {{{ for i in `dq2-ls user.clange.STop1561291.*.20101117*`; do dq2-freeze-dataset $i; done; }}} You can ignore errors about dataset owners and forbidden characters like: {{{ Error: [USER][FATAL] User /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=Valentina Ferrara is not the owner of dataset user.vferrara.STop1561291.mc09_7TeV.105861.TTbar_PowHeg_Pythia.merge.AOD.e521_s765_s767_r1302_r1306.20101117.101118144919_sub012560707 Error: [USER][OTHER] / character isn't allowed in this parameter [user.vferrara.STop1561291.mc09_7TeV.105861.TTbar_PowHeg_Pythia.merge.AOD.e521_s765_s767_r1302_r1306.20101117/]! }}} ---- CategorySingleTopDPDMaker