These are the quick-start instructions for a combined grid production effort.

Set up environment

asetup,TopPhys --testarea="/afs/"
source /afs/
cd $TestArea/PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/SingleTopDPDMaker/share

check your submission settings

We somehow have to make sure that people don't change the configuration files while other people are submitting. A good idea would be to have Athena Auto-Configuration do all the settings automatically. This already works except for the Data=True/False switch (this should technically also be possible in the near future). Until then:

The rest works out of the box.

submit jobs

To execute job submission issue:


It might be a good idea to do all steps from the top in a screen, because job submission can take a while. Make sure that all jobs are submitted correctly. You need to enter your grid proxy passphrase for the submission.

job monitoring

You can monitor your jobs via the panda webinterface

To re-submit jobs use pbook

More information on Panda can be found at

copying of datasets to DESY-ZN_LOCALGROUPDISK

The replication of the datasets is automatically requested by the pathena job. In order to see the progress of replication, have a look at this webpage:

You must freeze your datasets once the job is successfully finished in this way:

for i in `dq2-ls user.clange.STop1561291.*.20101117*`; do dq2-freeze-dataset $i; done;

You can ignore errors about dataset owners and forbidden characters like:

Error: [USER][FATAL] User /C=DE/O=GermanGrid/OU=DESY/CN=Valentina Ferrara is not the owner of dataset user.vferrara.STop1561291.mc09_7TeV.105861.TTbar_PowHeg_Pythia.merge.AOD.e521_s765_s767_r1302_r1306.20101117.101118144919_sub012560707

Error: [USER][OTHER] / character isn't allowed in this parameter [user.vferrara.STop1561291.mc09_7TeV.105861.TTbar_PowHeg_Pythia.merge.AOD.e521_s765_s767_r1302_r1306.20101117/]!


ATLAS: ClemensLange/SingleTopDPDMaker/GroupSubmission (last edited 2011-04-12 21:07:34 by ClemensLange)