#acl ClemensLange:read,write All:read == Contents of SingleTopDPDMaker D3PDs == '''All branches are given with cuts where applicable.''' Mind that this list is not up-to-date. <> === TruthTree === Electron * egammaElecTruthClassifier::IsoElectron Muon * TruthParticleTools::isGeneratorParticle * TruthParticleTools::isStableParticle Photon * TruthParticleTools::isGeneratorParticle * TruthParticleTools::isStableParticle * Ptmin = 10 GeV Tau * TruthParticleTools::isSelfDecayParticle * Ptmin = 5 GeV * removed particles with barcode = 3 (generator documentation line) Neutrino * TruthParticleTools::isGeneratorParticle * TruthParticleTools::isStableParticle Jet * Cone4TruthJets * Ptmin = 10 GeV * Etamax = 10 HardProcess * PdgId [1,2,3,4,5,6,21,22,23,24,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-21,-22,-23,-24] * BarcodeMax = 15 BCQuark * veto TruthParticleTools::isSelfDecayParticle * Ptmin = 5 GeV * removed particles with barcode = 3 (generator documentation line) MissingET '''The following branches are only filled, if the corresponding process exists in the sample:''' TopDecay * DecayPattern += [" 6 -> 24 + 5"] * DecayPattern += ["-6 -> -24 + -5"] * DecayPattern += [" 6 -> 21|22|23 + 2| 4"] (FCNC) * DecayPattern += ["-6 -> 21|22|23 + -2|-4"] (FCNC) WDecay * DecayPattern += [" 24 -> -11|-13|-15 + 12| 14| 16"] * DecayPattern += ["-24 -> 11| 13| 15 + -12|-14|-16"] * DecayPattern += [" 24 -> -1|-3 + 2| 4"] * DecayPattern += ["-24 -> 1| 3 + -2|-4"] * PdgId = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-24,1,2,3,4,11,12,13,14,15,24] * removed particles with barcode = 3 (generator documentation line) * TruthParticleTools::GetLastStableDecayParticle for e and mu * TruthParticleTools::GetNoSelfDecayParticle for all others ZDecay * DecayPattern += ["23 -> -11|-13|-15 + 11|13|15"] * DecayPattern += ["23 -> 1|2|3|4|5 + -1|-2|-3|-4|-5"] * PdgId = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-11,-13,-15,1,2,3,4,5,11,13,15,23] * removed particles with barcode = 3 (generator documentation line) * TruthParticleTools::GetLastStableDecayParticle for e and mu * TruthParticleTools::GetNoSelfDecayParticle for all others WZVisibleTau * DecayMode = "Hadronic" * ParentPdgId = [23,24,-23,-24] * veto TruthParticleTools::isSelfDecayParticle * only taus that are not immediately decayed to other leptons WZTauDecay * DecayMode = "Leptonic" * ParentPdgId = [23,24,-23,-24] * veto TruthParticleTools::isSelfDecayParticle * TruthParticleTools::GetLastStableDecayParticle for leptons === RecoTree === AntiKtLCTopoJets (only October production) * '''b-tagging currently not working''' (20/10/2009) * PtMin 15 GeV * EtaMax = 5 AntiKt4H1Tower (from November 09 production on) * PtMin 15 GeV * EtaMax = 5 Cone4H1Tower * PtMin 15 GeV * EtaMax = 5 Cone7H1Tower (only October 09 production) * PtMin 15 GeV * EtaMax = 5 Electron * Author = "All" * PtMin = 5 GeV * EtaMax = 2.5 Jet * Cone4H1TowerJets * PtMin 15 GeV * EtaMax = 5 MissingET * MET_RefFinal Muon * Author = "All" * PtMin = 5 GeV * EtaMax = 2.7 Photon * Author = "All" * PtMin = 5 GeV * EtaMax = 2.5 TauJet * Author = "All" * TauFlag = "Loose" * TrackNumberMin = 0 * TrackNumberMax = 100 * PtMin = 10.0*GeV * EtaMax = 2.5 TrackParticles (from October 09 production on) * AOD Container: TrackParticleCandidate * TrackPtMin = 10.0*GeV VxCandidate * see http://alxr.usatlas.bnl.gov/lxr/source/atlas/Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkEventPrimitives/TrkEventPrimitives/VertexType.h for vertex type definition. === TriggerTree === There are no cuts on the trigger objects. They are dumped from the TrigDecisionTool. Event Filter objects: * EF_BJet * EF_Egamma * EF_Jet * EF_Muon * EF_TauJet Level 2 objects: * L2_BJet * L2_Electron * L2_Jet * L2_Muon * L2_Photon * L2_Tau Level 1 objects: * L2_BJet * L2_Electron * L2_Jet * L2_Muon * L2_Photon * L2_Tau Trigger pass information depend on the trigger menu used for the run. They are named PassedEF_ etc. === InfoTree === The InfoTree contains Event information: * BunchCrossingID * DetectorMask0 * DetectorMask1 * EventNumber * GenEventWeight (for MC samples) * IsCalibration * IsSimulation * IsTestBeam * LumiBlock * McEventWeight (for MC samples) * RunNumber * TimeStamp * TimeStampOffset === PdfTree === The Contents of the PdfTree and background are described here [[ClemensLange/SingleTopDPDMaker/PdfInfo]]. ---- CategorySingleTopDPDMaker