#acl ClemensLange:read,write All:read This page contains documentation on investigating the problem with channel 1181 in the COOL database. <> === SQL query on PVSS offline DB === {{{ SELECT /*+ cardinality (elem 1)*/ elem.element_name FROM atlas_pvsspix.EVENTHISTORY_00000016 hist , atlas_pvsspix.ELEMENTS elem WHERE elem.element_id=hist.element_id AND element_name LIKE '' AND hist.ts BETWEEN to_date('11-12-2009 20:00:00', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AND to_date('11-12-2009 23:59:59', 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); }}} Results in 7 entries: ATLPIXLCS6:Y2813S2_HV03_1A.Ch00.VMeas === AtlCoolCopy on offline COOL DB === {{{ AtlCoolCopy.exe "COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200" pixdcs.root -root -folder /PIXEL/DCS -ts 1260558000-tu 1260572399 }}} === CoralDB Standard Connectivity Tables === URL: http://atlsr1.cern.ch/web-db/replica/coraldbstdtables.cgi Query: * Database connection = dbi:Oracle:ATLAS_COOLPROD, user = ATLAS_COOL_READER * ID tag PIXEL (restart with a different ID tag) * Use connectivity tag PIT-ALL-V39 * Use data tag PIT-ALL-V39 * Use aliases tag PIT-ALL-V39 * Use table PP0-DEFAULT ||Modules||'''COOL ID'''||ID||SCO Link||VDD PS Channel||VDDA PS Channel||HV PS Channel||Module NTC||Optoboard NTC||Optoboard||ROD||PP2 Crate Temp|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M6C - slot M1||1158||<|6>L2_B10_S2_C6||<|6>Y1414A2_SC17C.SCOLink3||<|6>Y0714A2_LV48/Output/Channel/4||<|6>Y0714A2_LV48/Output/Channel/5||<|6>Y0914A2_HV07_1A.Ch03||<|6>Y3423X8_BBIM12D.Ibox3.Temp0-5||<|6>Y3423X8_BBIM12D.Ibox2.Temp5||<|6>OB-SN-2089||<|6>ROD_L2_S21||<|6>Y3423X8_BBIM13A.Ibox1.Temp0|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M5C - slot M2||1159|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M4C - slot M3||1160|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M3C - slot M4||1161|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M2C - slot M5||1162|| ||L2_B10_S2_C6_M1C - slot M6||1163|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M6A - slot M1||1183||<|6>L2_B11_S1_A6||<|6>Y1414A2_SC19C.SCOLink3||<|6>Y0614A2_LV37/Output/Channel/4||<|6>Y0614A2_LV37/Output/Channel/5||<|6>Y0914A2_HV08_1A.Ch01||<|6>Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox3.Temp7-c||<|6>Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox2.Tempc||<|6>OB-SN-2141||<|6>ROD_L1_S5||<|6>Y3525X4_BBIM14A.Ibox3.Temp7|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M5A - slot M2||1182|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M4A - slot M3 - not there||'''1181'''|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M3A - slot M4||1180|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M2A - slot M5||1179|| ||L2_B11_S1_A6_M1A - slot M6||1178|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M0 - slot M1||1203||<|7>L2_B12_S1_C7||<|7>Y1414A2_SC20C.SCOLink2||<|7>Y0614A2_LV41/Output/Channel/2||<|7>Y0614A2_LV41/Output/Channel/3||<|7>Y0914A2_HV08_3B.Ch00||<|7>Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox1.Temp0-6||<|7>Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox2.Temp4||<|7>OB-SN-2130||<|7>ROD_L1_S6||<|7>Y3525X4_BBIM14A.Ibox3.Temp0|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M1C - slot M2||1202|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M2C - slot M3||1201|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M3C - slot M4||1200|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M4C - slot M5||1199|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M5C - slot M6||1198|| ||L2_B12_S1_C7_M6C - slot M7||1197|| === Results === COOL is written much less frequently than PVSS. Can check from AtlCoolCopy ntuple for TEMPERATURE/HV/FSMSTATE/FSMSTATUS tree: * ChannelID * temperature / HV / FSM_state / FSM_status * IOVSince * IOVUntil '''Considering in the following measurements from 11/12/2009 20:00:00-23:59:59 or the last entry before this time.''' ==== Checking Channel 1180/1181 ==== Found that channel 1180 corresponds to Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox3.Tempa (see above). Channel 1181 (which would be Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox3.Temp9) has no temperature entries (as expected). Time shifts of one hour are due to different time settings. || PVSS ID || PVSS Temperature || PVSS Timestamp || COOL ID || COOL Temperature || COOL IOVSince || COOL IOVUntil || || ATLPIXLCS12:Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox3.Tempa || -13.05492 || 11-12-2009 20:58:40 || 1180 || -13.05492 || 11-12-2009 21:58:40 || 12-12-2009 21:59:35 || Data are written to COOL directly after PVSS DB update only if significant change of temperature (about 2 degree Celsius). PVSS update every hour independent of temp change (more often if DeltaT > approx. 0.3). Similar for other entries: ATLPIXLCS6:Y0914A2_HV08_1A.Ch01.VMeas is linked to COOL ID 1178-1183 --> correct. ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B11|L2_B11_S1_A6_M4A.fsm.currentState is linked to COOL ID 1181 --> correct. LOCKED_OUT ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B11|L2_B11_S1_A6_M3A.fsm.currentState is linked to COOL ID 1180 --> correct. OK ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B11|STATUS_L2_B11_S1_A6_M4A.fsm.currentState corresponds to COOL ID 1181 --> correct. OK ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B11|STATUS_L2_B11_S1_A6_M3A.fsm.currentState corresponds to COOL ID 1180 --> correct. OK FSM state and status only updated when changed. ==== Checking channel 1200 ==== Channel 1200 IS linked to ATLPIXLCS12:Y3423X8_BBIM11D.Ibox1.Temp3! Correct values found for 1199 (Temp4) and 1201 (Temp2). ATLPIXLCS6:Y0914A2_HV08_3B.Ch00.VMeas is linked to COOL IDs 1197-1202 --> correct. ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B12|L2_B12_S1_C7_M3C.fsm.currentState is linked to COOL ID 1200 --> correct. ATLPIXLCS3:L2_B12|STATUS_L2_B12_S1_C7_M3C.fsm.currentState corresponds to COOL ID 1181 --> correct. ---- CategoryDCSProject