=== How to get Panda running on lxplus === The following commands are used to run TopPhysDPDMaker with pathena: {{{ export PATHENA_GRID_SETUP_SH=/afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/current/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh source ~/cmthome_top/setup.sh -tag=AtlasProduction,,32,releases cd $HOME/atlas/top/ source /afs/cern.ch/atlas/offline/external/GRID/DA/panda-client/latest/etc/panda/panda_setup.sh }}} You have to add a line to the TopPhysDPDSubmission script located in TopPhysDPDMaker/share to account for the required slash ("/") in the dq2 datasets. To remove that from the dataset outputname, add the last line shown below in the "Submit" section: {{{ ... else: splitName=sample.split(".") sampleShortName=".".join([splitName[0], splitName[1], splitName[2], splitName[5]]) sampleShortName=sampleShortName.strip('/') #<-- add this line ... }}} You're ready to run the TopPhysTools: {{{ TopPhysDPDSubmission TopDefault_subOptions.py }}} === How to get Panda running on NAF === The steps are very similar to the ones shown above for lxplus. However, you have to install PanDA yourself first: {{{ wget https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/pub/Atlas/PandaTools/panda-client-0.1.74.tar.gz tar xvfz panda-client-* cd panda-client-* python setup.py install --prefix=[install dir] }}} where [install dir] might e.g. be ~/panda (which is what is used later on) Set up Athena: {{{ source ~/cmthome_top/setup.sh -tag=AtlasProduction,,32,releases }}} Set grid environment from CERN, if you use the one from DESY, your grid proxy will not be recognised later. {{{ export PATHENA_GRID_SETUP_SH=/afs/cern.ch/project/gd/LCG-share/current/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh }}} For the remaining steps see above. You also have to adjust the TopPhysDPDSubmission script. === Links === Installing Panda Tools: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PandaTools Using Panda: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/PandaAthena TopPhysDPDMaker with Panda: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/TopPhysDPDMaker_Grid Dashboard: http://gridui06.usatlas.bnl.gov:25880/server/pandamon/query?dash=analysis