=== adjust .gangarc === If there is a problem with oversized sandboxes, set it: {{{ [LCG] DefaultSE = dcache-se-atlas.desy.de }}} The rest of the information can be found here: https://znwiki3.ifh.de/ATLAS/WorkBook/NAF/Grid%20Tools#head-670939a2ffa9dcd2fce8e6495aca2db8c7d80642 The adjusted .gangarc file can be found here: [[attachment:.gangarc]] Working Ganga release is 5.1.10 === Athena Python Version Clash === There is a clash with the python version of gliteatlas/grid setup and Athena. The workaround is to first set up the grid proxy: {{{ ini gliteatlas voms-proxy-init -voms atlas unset PYTHONPATH }}} and then setup Athena (source cmthome/setup.sh).