The D3PDTrimmer can be found in svn: == Getting started == {{{ svn co svn+ssh:// D3PDTrimmer cd D3PDTrimmer }}} Set up the skim you want (see dirs in D3PDTrimmer), e.g.: {{{ source NTUP_TOP }}} Set up panda: {{{ ini panda }}} To find out options for submission do: {{{ ./ }}} To run a test on one file of one sample, create a file test.txt and put one sample name in there, e.g.: {{{ mc11_7TeV.105200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.merge.NTUP_TOP.e835_s1272_s1274_r3043_r2993_p937/ }}} Then run: {{{ ./ --nFiles 1 test.txt }}} To submit a whole bunch of jobs: {{{ ./ mc11.txt }}}