== TopPhys Cache Nightly == asetup TopPhys,16.6.X.Y.Z,gcc43,rel_0,runtime,here === Used requirements file === Taken from NAF. Includes group area settings for IfH. {{{ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- set CMTSITE STANDALONE set KIT /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/software #set SITEROOT /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/software/14.5.0 set SITEROOT ${KIT}/15.0.0 \ 12.0.6 ${KIT}/12.0.6 \ 13.0.40 ${KIT}/13.0.40 \ 14.5.0 ${KIT}/14.5.0 \ ${KIT}/14.5.0 \ 15.0.0 ${KIT}/15.0.0 macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/users/scratch/clange/atlas/testarea # macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/sframe_ara tag slhc_dev public groupArea oneGroup macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/software/groupArea/SLHC/14.5.0 apply_tag 32 # 32 bit version of kit apply_tag gcc34 # SL4/gcc34 version of kit apply_tag opt # opt version of kit apply_tag setup # setup runtime environment apply_tag oneTest # one directory and not simpleTest for: use simple name convention for testarea apply_tag setupCMT # use same cmt as release use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- }}} === Used setup.sh === Includes automatic database overwrite and changes to testarea. {{{ # echo "Setting standalone package" echo "Setting up Athena 14.5.0 with database 6.3.1" export DBRELEASE_OVERRIDE=6.3.1 if test "${CMTROOT}" = ""; then CMTROOT=/afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/software/14.5.0/CMT/v1r20p20080222; export CMT ROOT fi . ${CMTROOT}/mgr/setup.sh tempfile=`${CMTROOT}/mgr/cmt -quiet build temporary_name` if test ! $? = 0 ; then tempfile=/tmp/cmt.$$; fi ${CMTROOT}/mgr/cmt setup -sh -pack=cmt_standalone -path=/afs/ifh.de/user/c/clange/cmthome -no_cleanup $* >${tempfile}; \\ . ${tempfile} /bin/rm -f ${tempfile} cd ${TestArea}/${AtlasVersion} }}} === Used CVS tags for 14.5.0 === {{{ Simulation/Fatras/FatrasExample FatrasExample-00-08-02 InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample InDetRecExample-01-15-13 }}}