#acl ClemensLange:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read Alpgen Studies for W+HF <> = To do = * automatically obtain xsec (metadata?), either in Showering or Analysis * delete tmp files of Showering * create random number files for Production * make analysis jobOptions flexible * root script to analyse and scale output = Documentation = Scripts taken from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/AlpgenProductionScripts more info: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasProtected/AlpGenForAtlas FAQ: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/AlpgenFAQ Systematic studies: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/AtlasAlpgenWJets = Event generation = package: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasusr/browser/clange/WplusHF/AlpgenProduction check-out: {{{ svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasusr/clange/WplusHF/AlpgenProduction/trunk AlpgenProduction }}} install Alpgen: {{{ source installAlpgen.sh }}} setup for NAF batch system {{{ source setup.sh }}} create a few soft-links for large file output: {{{ ln -s /scratch/zn/current/atlas/clange/WplusHFOutput OutputFiles ln -s /scratch/zn/current/atlas2/monthly/clange/WplusHFOutput_Consolidated OutputFiles_Consolidated }}} == running Alpgen == Scripts are set up in ''submit'', e.g. do: {{{ source submit/submitNominal.sh }}} This will submit a lot of batch jobs and return tar balls of those. == merging of Alpgen jobs == {{{ ./consolidate WJet0 }}} '''Note:''' check that this gawk error is not a problem: {{{ ./consolidate: INFO: Found 100 tar files matching base name Now processing tar files....................................................................................................Done ./consolidate: INFO: Unweighted events consolidated in to file OutputFiles_Consolidated//WJet1.unw ./consolidate: INFO: Adding following MLM matching settings based on alpgen default choice for the chosen generator settings: ./consolidate: INFO: ETCLUS=20. RCLUS=0.7 ETAMAX=6. IEXCL=1 gawk: (FILENAME=- FNR=16) fatal: division by zero attempted ./consolidate: INFO: Parameter file consolidated in to file OutputFiles_Consolidated//WJet1_unw.par ./consolidate: INFO: Consolidated file has 10355997 events, representing a total luminosity of 1143.64 pb-1 (avg. cross section = 9055.89 pb) }}} == packaging files for Evgen_trf == Determine from ''.unw'' file how many lines are taken up by each Alpgen job || process || lines || process || lines || process || lines || process || lines || || WJet0 || 5 || WbbJet0 || 7 || WcJet0 || 6 || WccJet0 || 7 || || WJet1 || 6 || WbbJet1 || 8 || WcJet1 || 7 || WccJet1 || 8 || || WJet2 || 7 || WbbJet2 || 9 || WcJet2 || 8 || WccJet2 || 9 || || WJet3 || 8 || WbbJet3 || 10 || WcJet3 || 9 || WccJet3 || 10 || || WJet4 || 9 || || || WcJet4 || 10 || || WJet5 || 10 || {{{ ./package -n 5 -out OutputFiles_Consolidated/packaged/user.clange.alpgen.907710.WlnuNp0_pt20_7TeV.TXT.v1/user.clange.alpgen.907710.WlnuNp0_pt20_7TeV.TXT.v1. -evtsize 5 -evtcount 1000 OutputFiles_Consolidated/WJet0 }}} = Showering = package: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasusr/browser/clange/WplusHF/Showering check-out: {{{ svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasusr/clange/WplusHF/Showering/trunk Showering }}} put jobOptions into ''jobOptions'' dir using subdirectory for dataset number, e.g. {{{ jobOptions/907710/MC10.907710.AlpgenJimmyWlnuNp0_pt20.py }}} link input files: {{{ ln -s /scratch/zn/current/atlas2/monthly/clange/WplusHFOutput_Consolidated/packaged input/MC10 }}} link output files and logs: {{{ ln -s /scratch/zn/current/atlas2/monthly/clange/WplusHFOutputPool output ln -s /scratch/zn/current/atlas2/monthly/clange/WplusHFOutputPoolLogs log }}} The log files are needed to obtain sample cross-sections. = Analysis = package: https://svnweb.cern.ch/trac/atlasusr/browser/clange/WplusHF/AlpgenWJetsStudy check-out: {{{ svn co svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasusr/clange/WplusHF/AlpgenWJetsStudy/trunk AlpgenWJetsStudy }}} = Old Framework (deprecated) = {{{ export CVSROOT=:gserver:isscvs.cern.ch:/local/reps/qmulatlas kinit clange@CERN.CH klog clange@IFH.DE cd /afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/users/scratch/clange/alpgenstudies/ cvs co vbjet_project export ALPGEN=/afs/ifh.de/group/atlas/users/scratch/clange/alpgenstudies/alpgen cd vbjet_project ./install.sh $ALPGEN ini root528_64 ./buildWorkDir.sh $ALPGEN workarea wjet }}} /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/cernlib/2005/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/lib