Notes on how to run AMA taken from the tutorial: === setting up AMA === For general setup see tutorial, once set up, do: {{{ cd atlas/testarea/15.0.0/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/AMA/AMAAthena source }}} === data sample definition file === One can define local samples via {{{ define_sample zmumu_AOD /afs/ }}} which would put the contents of the directory in a file named samples/zmumu_AOD.def, use castor with a valid grid certificate via {{{ define_castor_sample /castor/ }}} or dq2 via {{{ define_dq2_sample mc08.107663.AlpgenJimmyZmumuNp3_pt20.recon.AOD.e352_s462_r541_tid026388 or define_dq2_sample mc08.107663.AlpgenJimmyZmumuNp3_pt20.recon.AOD.e352_s462_r541_tid026388 100 }}} where the latter command would specify the number of collections per sample definition file. Further examples can be found at '''Note''': define_dq2sample only looks at CERN-PROD_MCDISK by default. If the files are located at another site, specifiy it like this: {{{ define_dq2_sample user.RichardHawkings.0108173.topmix_Egamma.AOD.v2 -1 DESY-ZN_PHYS-TOP }}} To find out where the samples are located, do {{{ dq2-ls -r user.RichardHawkings.0108173.topmix_Egamma.AOD.v2 }}}